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Monterey-Salinas Transit Seeking A Marketing Agency

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Image courtesy of the Monterey-Salinas Transit

Monterey-Salinas Transit in California is seeking a marketing agency at the Southern region of Monterey County. In 2004, a Transportation Alternatives Feasibility Study for Rural South Monterey County was conducted by the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, which identified that ―the need for service in rural south Monterey County has also been voiced repeatedly through the Transportation Development Act unmet needs hearing process.‖

Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) now seeks a qualified local marketing firm to support its marketing initiatives. Impacts from this marketing outreach would meet the broader transportation needs of the general public by marketing and promoting services that provide connectivity to those who currently must rely on the automobile as their sole mode of transportation between Paso Robles and the San Jose area.



Launch a targeted and comprehensive marketing plan based on the project service area, demographics, and unmet needs to promote the following MST bus routes:

  1. Promote the enhancement of MST’s fixed-route service between urban and non-urbanized communities;
  2. Improve inter-agency coordination within the intercity bus network to include MST in Monterey County, the San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) in San Luis Obispo County, and Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) in Santa Clara County;
  3. Increase ridership on MST’s 5311(f) funded routes (Lines 82, 83, 84, 85 (proposed), and 86); and
  4. Promote seamless regional service that connects the urbanized and non- urbanized areas of Monterey County.

Proposals due by June 30, 2016 to:

Monterey Salinas Transit
ATTN: Purchasing Manager
One Ryan Ranch Road
Monterey, California 93940-5795

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