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M&P Сommunications: Information On Who Do Ukranians Trust?

M&P Сommunications

M&P Сommunications, a leading PR agency in Ukraine has gathered data from the latest research of Research & Branding Group below to help companies figure out which communication channel will be effective on the Ukrainian market.

If you do business in the Ukrainian market, or consider it as potentially attractive, it is important to know and understand what the effective communication channels in the PR field are.

According to the results of the four main types of media sources, the vast majority of Ukrainians prefer two — TV — 54% and the Internet — 38%. Radio and the press are perceived as the main sources of media by 4% of the population of Ukraine.

One of the key areas of the media is news. Most of the Ukrainians — 50% watch news on TV daily, another 16% — 3-4 times a week, 14% — 1-2 times a week, every twentieth — once a month. The rest answered that they do not watch news on TV.

A slightly different picture with the frequency of news viewing on the Internet. First, it should be noted that almost a quarter of respondents do not have access to media data, and another 20% admitted that they do not watch news on the Internet. 

Daily news on the Internet is watched by 27% of Ukrainians, another 11% — 3-4 times a week, 8% — 1-2 times a week and 4% — once a month.

“In order to get into the information agenda of your Ukrainian target audience, it is important to use all available channels, otherwise you risk not to be noticed” ­– comments Kateryna Didkovskaya the account director of the M&P Communications agency.

M&P Сommunications is a leading PR-agency in Ukraine, which advises Ukrainian and global business leaders, helping them to take and maintain the strategic initiative in building their reputations and managing communications.

A profound understanding of current trends in business development, politics and public life enables us to design and deploy effective communication strategies for our clients, and to establish and build relationships with the media, investors, government institutions, the public and other crucial audiences.

M&P.Ukraine is a strategic partner of the leading global public relations and communications firm Burson-Marsteller in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Turkmenistan.

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