Everything PR News

New Zealand issues Digital Media RFP & Rwanda Seeks Energy PR Firm

Te Māngai Pāho

Te Māngai Pāho  (Māori Broadcast Funding Agency), a New Zealand government entity responsible for promoting Māori language and culture by providing funding for Māori language programming on radio, television and music has issued a RFP for a digital media agency to create programming for new audiences.

They seek to create vibrant programming around digital content – and are willing to invest $500,000 for programming that focuses on Māori audiences (including Māori speaking audiences), or Māori stories for general audiences.  They specifically seek a web series and believe a digital media agency can assist with this “..genre of storytelling that is still evolving. A webseries is not ‘television on the web’. Telling stories in short episodes means the story construct is different from a standard series format.”

Proposals are due by February 12, 2016 and should be submitted to Lynne Parr to lynne@tmp.govt.nz

Now, switching to Africa, The Rwanda Energy Group (REG), a group of companies created out by the Government of Rwanda (GoR) in the Energy and Water Sectors is seeking seeking a full-service public relations and marketing agency to help them with all aspects of communications.

REG has taken over the energy operations formerly under the Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA). The Group has two subsidiaries, the Energy Utility Corporation Ltd in charge of operations of generation plants, transmission and distribution network and sale of electricity while the Energy Development Corporation Ltd is in charge of new generation, transmission and electricity access development projects.

Further information is available by contacting procurement@eucl.reg.rw

Rwanda’s tourism board works with Rubenstein PR – and there are no local multi-nationals in the country, but there’s many agencies in Africa who we are sure will pursue this potentially lucrative agreement.

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