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NYSERDA Public Relations Services

marketing research


Proposals Due: April 8, 2024 by 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time*

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) invites proposals from public relations professionals and public relation firms interested in providing public relations/communications services to advance the goals of NYSERDA and the Climate Leadership Community and Protection Act (Climate Act) by building awareness of and support for the Climate Act and assisting in developing a narrative around New York State’s clean energy and climate priorities and providing rapid response communications services, if necessary.

CONTACT: Tania Allard at (518) 862-1090, ext. 3330 or by  or Claudette Thornton at (518) 862-1090, ext. 3298 or by e-mail

LINK: file:///C:/Users/cbettencourt/Downloads/RFP%205688%20Solicitation%20Summary.pdf

I. Introduction

NYSERDA is a public benefit corporation of the State of New York created and operating under the

provisions of Public Authorities Law, §§1850 et. seq. (the “New York State Energy Research and

Development Authority Act” or “Act”). NYSERDA offers objective information and analysis; innovative programs, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy research and development; technical expertise; and funding to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

II. Scope of Services

NYSERDA requests proposals from public relations professionals or public relations firms interested in providing public relations/communications services to advance the goals of NYSERDA and the Climate Leadership Community and Protection Act (Climate Act) by building awareness of and support for the Climate Act and assisting in developing a narrative around New York State’s clean energy and climate priorities and providing rapid response communications services, if necessary.

Services will be sought to assist in the following areas:

• Support NYSERDA in managing current events related to NYSERDA’s work;

• Ensure reputation management for NYSERDA and New York State as a clean energy leader by

building awareness of and support for the Climate Act and its initiatives; and

• Assist with developing messaging through various communication channels around New York State’s clean energy and climate priorities while also being able to rapidly respond to negative viewpoints and perceptions about the State’s climate and clean energy goals under the Climate Act, the costs associated with the Climate Act, and challenges to particular policies and programs.

Proposers must have the ability to immediately address emerging unforeseen events that draw media scrutiny and will develop messaging, strategy, outreach, and execution directed toward multiple audiences to address:

• Opportunities to inform and educate the public on the Climate Act while building awareness and support for its goals and potential benefits and helping to maintain a positive narrative and conversation around New York State’s clean energy and climate priorities.

• Unpredicted events or situations related to the State’s transition to clean energy and a zero emissions grid while ensuring equity and affordability;

• Questions and concerns on affordability for New Yorkers and direct costs to ratepayers as a result of the State’s clean energy and climate transition;

• The development of New York’s Cap-and-Invest program, the cost for residential and business consumers, and how it will benefit New Yorkers;

• Advancement of and addressing the headwinds related to large scale land-based and offshore renewable energy project development including unprecedented inflation and potential project attrition from increasing costs and unforeseen supply chain issues;

• Concerns related to the cost and practicality of supporting building decarbonization, the implementation of codes for same and a phase out of fossil fuels in new construction;

• Concerns related to transitioning cars, trucks, and SUVs sold in New York to zero emissions, and requiring all school buses in operation in the state to be zero-emission by 2035;

• Challenges with the lithium ion batteries and the scale up of stationary battery storage systems, as well as related fires, safety issues, and the work of the associated working groups; and

• Any other unanticipated communications requests related to NYSERDA’s work to support the Climate Act, as needed.

The public relations professional or public relations firm selected will be expected to act as a public relations firm for NYSERDA for a period of one year. It is anticipated that the initial contract period will begin on or about spring of 2024 or sooner if contractual negotiations allow.

Public relations/communications services/support would potentially include, but need not be limited to:

• Developing a strategy and messaging for responding to and managing new and ongoing analysis and counterpoints on issues related to the areas outlined above through earned media.

• Creating and managing a media outreach strategy to increase opportunities to build awareness of and support for the Climate Act that will result in a positive public narrative and also counter challenges to the areas outlined above through earned media.

• Drafting and helping place op-eds, letters to the editor, and other external messaging, pitch interview opportunities, and facilitate story placement as needed to support quick action through earned media needs on the areas above.

• Developing topline messaging about the State’s clean energy legislation, policies and programs to increase opportunities to build awareness of and support for the Climate Act that will result in a positive narrative and help counter challenges related to advancing the goals of the Climate Act and topics outlined above.

• Being readily available to support and assist with time sensitive matters that require quick action.

• Assisting with timely and comprehensive stakeholder outreach in all regions of the State and collaborating with NYSERDA Corporate Communications on messaging and strategic engagement tactics, as needed.

• Participating in meetings with NYSERDA’s Corporate Communications staff, and other parties, as necessary or appropriate.

• Providing any other public relations/communications services, advice, or consults relating to NYSERDA’s programs, as requested.

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