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RFP for Market Research and Strategic Master Plan Design Services Deschutes County Fair & Expo

Deschutes County Fair & Expo

Issued: March 4th, 2024

Proposals Due: Friday April 19th, 2024, no later than 5:00pm

Optional Pre-Proposal Meeting and Tour: Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 @ 10:00-12:30 PT

Deschutes County Fair & Expo Administration

Office. See EXHIBIT 1 for parking and meeting locations.

Web link:

2.1 Purpose, Overview and Program Elements

Deschutes County Fair & Expo is a 340-acre multi-purpose facility located adjacent Bend/Redmond Municipal Airport (KBND) in Redmond Oregon. Approximately 120 acres of the current facility have been developed including a 4,000-seat indoor arena, a 2,500 seat outdoor arena, a small conference center, and a livestock equestrian complex, a 105 space RV park, and large amounts of developed open event space.

Deschutes County Fair & Expo, in coordination with Deschutes County, has been working on the strategic acquisition of an additional 120 acres to grow the full facility size to 460 total acres.

The purpose of this RFP is to select one team for the following Program Elements:

1. Explore current market conditions, customer demographics, and future trends impacting the event and fair industry; and to help prepare and plan for the future of the Deschutes County Fair & Expo property. The selected firm will be responsible for providing a detailed analysis of potential growth areas, revenue enhancement opportunities, and strategies for operational improvement.

2. Develop a comprehensive written and graphic master plan for the Deschutes County Fair & Expo facility that provides a well-defined, clear, actionable strategy for the future development and use of the overallfacility.

a. Master plans shall include two conceptual concepts:

i. one for a full buildout of the future 460 acre property,

ii. an alternate design for the existing 320 acres property. (Please bid with 1 complete design, and an alternate reduced size design proposal)

County intends to execute a contract for services outlined in this solicitation and reserves the right to contract for continued and/or additional services with the same successful Proposer at the County’s sole discretion. The County’s decision on whether to proceed with the selected Proposer will be based on the Team’s performance.

Additional services which may be added to the scope of this procurement include:

• Facilities Condition Assessment.

• Additional professional analysis supporting the Facility Condition Assessment: including phased approaches for asset development, overhead costs related to operating and servicing the Facility, and variable cost structure for the market and business model.

2.2 Performance Measurement Process

Parties will negotiate the Performance Measurement Process after contract negotiation, which will be based on how well the successful Proposer meets the performance schedule and provides deliverables for all phases of the design process, including, but not limited to, programming, schematic design, and cost estimating. Other performance measures may or may not include staying within design and project budgets, and responsive and effective communication with Owner and stakeholders.

2.3 Project Goals

County will show preference to Proposers that demonstrate successful experience in the design of Fair or Fairgrounds properties, Multi-Purpose Public Assembly facilities, campus master planning, and work with government agencies. Design Teams may be comprised of local, regional, and/or national firms, but should be prepared to conduct on-site meetings with stakeholders.

The Successful Proposer shall be responsible for the performance and coordination of its work and that of other team members which may include, but are not limited to, the following practices: structural engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, interior design, low voltage/technology design (audio/visual consulting, electronic security consulting), physical security design, landscape architecture, and third-party cost estimating.

County desires to foster a collaborative team and design approach. The Successful Proposer will be responsible for working closely with the County’s Executives and Fair & Expo Staff and Project Managers to develop plans, specifications, and cost estimates. The Successful Proposer may also work with staff from other County offices and departments, including but not limited to County Facilities Department, County Road Department, County Property Management Department and others to accomplish the Project objectives. In addition, the Successful Proposer will be expected to prepare and attend public presentations and to provide information for the Deschutes County Fair & Expo website updating the Project throughout design for the benefit of the public.

2.4 Statement of Work: Fair & Expo Market Research and Strategic Master Plan (Part 1)

The initial portion of the project seeks to explore current market conditions, customer demographics, and future trends impacting the event and fair industry; and to help prepare and plan for the future of the Deschutes County Fair & Expo property. The selected firm will be responsible for providing a detailed analysis of potential growth areas, revenue enhancement opportunities, and strategies for operational improvement.

2.5 Statement of Work: Master Plan Design Services (Part 2)

The second portion of this project will include the development of a comprehensive written and graphic master plan for the Deschutes County Fair & Expo facility, with the goal of the final outcome being a well defined Master Plan offering clear, actionable strategy for the future development and use of the overall facility.

Master plans shall include two conceptual concepts;

i. one for a full buildout of the future 460 acre property,

ii. an alternate design for the existing 320 acres property. (Please bid with 1 complete design, and an alternate reduced size designproposal)

2.6 Program Deliverables

Successful Proposer will:

1. Provide a single report detailing the results of a detailed Market Research Study focused on current market conditions, customer demographics, and predicting future trends for the next five years.

2. Development of Strategic Master Plan and ConceptualEstimate.

2.7 Program Timelines

Market Research Within Nine (9) mos. of executed contract

Strategic Master Plan Within Eighteen (18) mos. of executed contract

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