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Ronn Torossian On User-Generated Content In Building Brand Advocacy

User Generated

In today’s era of information overload, consumers face a barrage of marketing messages all competing for their attention. Traditional advertising used to be a powerful tool in the past, but these days it struggles to resonate within a landscape that’s been flooded with meticulously crafted pitches. 

Modern consumers have a keen sense of authenticity. They’re looking for genuine connections and experiences. This is where User-Generated Content (UGC) emerges as a revolutionary force, fostering brand advocacy through the power of the human voice.

Customers as storytellers

UGC encompasses any form of content that’s been created by consumers about a brand or its products. This can include anything from social media posts and reviews to photos, videos, and blog articles.

Unlike traditional marketing, UGC isn’t created in corporate boardrooms. It stems from real people’s experiences, capturing the emotions, challenges, and triumphs associated with using a brand’s offerings.

The rise of UGC coincides with the democratization of content creation. Social media platforms provide accessible tools for anyone to share their voice with the world. This option has empowered consumers to become storytellers. They started documenting their brand interactions and influencing the purchasing decisions of others.


The appeal of UGC lies in its inherent authenticity. Unlike meticulously crafted marketing campaigns, UGC feels genuine and relatable to other consumers. It showcases real people using real products in real-life situations. Consumers trust the experiences and opinions shared by their peers a lot more compared to any ad campaign.

Social proof

UGC taps into the power of social proof. This is a psychological phenomenon where individuals conform their behavior to the actions of others. Positive UGC acts as a digital endorsement.

It’s used to demonstrate that other people are having positive experiences with a brand. This social validation carries immense weight, influencing purchasing decisions and pushing brands to new heights of success.

The power of community

The impact of UGC isn’t only focused on influencing purchasing decisions. It creates a sense of community around a brand. When customers share their experiences and interact with each other through UGC, they form a powerful connection. This sense of belonging generates brand loyalty and advocacy, transforming satisfied customers into passionate brand champions.

Building a foundation for success

While UGC offers tremendous benefits, brands should not view it as a one-way street. To truly leverage its power, brands have to create genuine connections with the audience. Respond to comments and messages. Show appreciation for the customers’ voices. Engage in conversations, answer questions, and address any concerns. 

Recognize and reward exceptional UGC. Highlight outstanding content on brand platforms and acknowledge the creators. Run contests and user-generated content campaigns. Create specific prompts or themes to encourage content creation and incentivize participation.

Develop clear guidelines for UGC. Outline expectations regarding content type, usage rights, and brand messaging to ensure alignment.

The human touch

In a world saturated with marketing messages, UGC stands out as a beacon of authenticity. It empowers consumers to become storytellers, fostering trust, social proof, and a sense of community.

By embracing UGC and fostering genuine connections with their audience, brands can harness the power of the human touch to build lasting brand advocacy and achieve sustainable growth.

Ronn Torossian is an author and entrepreneur.

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