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Social Media RFP Issued By UNDP

National Facebook and social media advertisement and optimization consultant.


Country: Lebanon Description of the assignment: National Facebook and social media advertisement and optimization consultant. Project name: Anti-Corruption for Trust in Lebanon (ACT Lebanon) Background:

UNDP launched the Anti-Corruption for Trust in Lebanon Project in March 2019 to support key anticorruption stakeholders in Lebanon to maintain the momentum for national dialogue and capacity development to implement the country’s first-ever national anti-corruption strategy 2020 – 2025 that was formally adopted in May 2020. The Project focuses on the achievement of four outputs:

Output1: Capacity to oversee and monitor national anti-corruption strategy institutionalized and supported.

Output2: Specialized anti-corruption legislations enacted and supported for effective implementation.

Output 3: National Anti-Corruption Institution operationalized and strengthened.

Output 4: Corruption risk management mechanisms integrated in key vulnerable sectors.

The project directly contributes to reinforcing Lebanon’s ability to implement the UNCAC and work towards achieving the Sustainable Development goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 16. Lebanon has become a State Party of the UN Convention against Corruption in 2009 and has endorsed the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs on September 2015. Additionally, at the national level, Lebanon has taken an important step by endorsing the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and its implementation plan as mentioned above. Moreover, Lebanon is moving forward in the legislative anti-corruption agenda, as the Lebanese Parliament passed the Access to Information Law (Feb. 2017), the Public Private Partnership Law (Sept 2017), a law to strengthen transparency in the oil sector (Sept 2018) and the Whistleblowers’ Protection Law (Oct. 2018), in addition to the Illicit Enrichment Law (September, 2020) Despite those positive developments, there are still efforts to further advance this agenda in Lebanon such as adoption of key legislation part of the anti-corruption basket of laws. In order to raise awareness on the above, ACT project has produced several anti-corruption videos and chatbot that are intended to be launched to the public in January 2021. A Digital campaign strategy has been developed for that purpose and will be used as the basis for implementation. In this framework, ACT project seeks a consultant services to deploy/implement the existing digital campaign strategy, and to report on campaign performance and objectives.

Scope of Work:

Under the substantive guidance of the project manager of ACT Lebanon Project, the consultant is expected to complete the following task:

Task 1: 

Deploy/implement the digital campaign strategy that is already developed. This shall include onsite training and UNDP personnel walkthrough and institutionalizing an internal structure for future targeting & campaign management.

Task 2: 

Advise the UNDP ACT team when the project is in the process of implementing the strategy and deliver a report on insights and analysis of the efficiency of the strategy, and the behavior of targeted individuals on the findings resulting from the implemented strategy. The 14 Anti-Corruption videos (Long- and Short-Term Videos available in English and Arabic) in addition to the chatbot on anticorruption.

– 7 videos in Arabic with Arabic subs (long form 2 min – short form 45 sec)

– 7 videos in Arabic with English subs (long form 2 min – short form 45 sec)

– Chat-bot on anti-corruption where an ad video will be produced to promote it, thus to be included in the campaign as well.

The above shall also include recommendations on improvements & best practices, Weekly feedback calls and a report on campaign performance and objectives.


• The consultant shall work closely with the ACT project manager and the focal point from the Accelerator Lab and communications team to prepare for and execute the above-mentioned task.

• The consultant shall coordinate closely with and provide regular updates to the project manager of the ACT Lebanon Project. References: During the period of assignment, the consultant should refer to, but not be limited by, the following sources of information: 

• Digital campaign strategy previously developed. 

• Videos on anti-corruption previously prepared by the Project.

Due Date:

22 January 2021 at 11:59 PM Beirut Local Time


Relevant agencies to consider include FINN Partners and Ruder Finn.

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