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Social Media Services RFP Issued By

social media strategy

Chehalis River Basin

The Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District is requesting proposals from firms interested in conducting social media and communications services.

· The Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District (DISTRICT) is proposing to construct a new flood retention facility and temporary reservoir near Pe Ell, Washington, and make changes to the Chehalis-Centralia Airport levee in Chehalis, Washington.

· If permitted and funded, the District expects construction would begin in 2025 and the facility would begin operations in 2030. The facility is intended to protect families, communities, schools, businesses, churches, farms, industry, and major federal, state, and local infrastructure from Pe Ell to Centralia.

· The project will also make airport levee changes to protect the Chehalis-Centralia Airport, local businesses, and area transportation corridors from damage from a catastrophic flood (100-year flood) and reduce the closure of Interstate 5 (I-5) to 24 hours or less


The Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District (FCZD) was created in accordance with the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 86.15. The FCZD has existed for many years in some capacity, and has gone through periods of higher and lower levels of activity. Past actions have included creation of planning and guidance documents which have help shape floodplain and stormwater regulations in Lewis County.

MAY 7, 1973

The Board of County Commissioners of Lewis County adopted a resolution declaring its intention to form a county-wide flood control zone district in Lewis County. After public hearing the flood control zone district was formally formed on April 1, 1974.

MARCH 31, 1997

The Board of County Commissioners of Lewis County adopted a resolution that formed and incorporated a county-wide flood control zone in the County (1997 Zone).

MAY 5, 1997

The Board adopted a resolution that formed subzones within the 1997 zone for the Cowlitz River Basin (the “Cowlitz Subzone”) and the Chehalis River Basin (the “Chehalis Subzone”), and dissolved all flood control zone districts created prior to March 31, 1997. 

JANUARY 24, 2011

The Board declared its intention to abolish all county-wide zone districts in the County, including all subzones created thereunder, and declared its intention to form a flood control zone for the Chehalis River Basin.

FEBRUARY 14, 2011

The board adopted a resolution creating the Chehalis River Basin Flood Control District, as it is today.

Scope of Work:

1. Provide monthly activity and budget reports.

2. Research of available data and project information as well as identification of key stakeholders.

3. Creation of communications strategy through various media outlets. These media may include, but are not limited to, articles, letters, brochures, mailers, videos, and social media posts.

4. Development and identification of key messaging, messengers and audiences.

5. Monitor media coverage and public perception of the project and adjust communications accordingly.

6. Provide strategic guidance on all communications regarding the project.

*A detailed scope of work and fee schedule will be negotiated with the selected firm. Proposal Schedule All submittals shall be delivered to the District Administrator, Erik Martin no later than 5:00 pm on June 12, 2020. Questions must be submitted, in writing, to the contact listed no later than 5:00 pm on June 10, 2020. If there are multiple qualified proposers, the DISTRICT reserves the right to hold interviews with the qualified proposers. If the DISTRICT and the successful consultant are unable to agree on terms and conditions, the DISTRICT may exercise its right to negotiate with the next highest qualified proposer. Submittal Requirements

· A brief statement of interest, stating why your firm should be considered for this project.

· Name, office location, and contact information for the firm submitting as prime.

· The names and number of years the firm serving as the prime and any anticipated subconsultants have been in business under current or previous names.

· The name and title of the person authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the firm.

· The name and resume for the proposed project manager and a name and resume for a backup project manager assigned to work on this project. 

· Names and resumes for other key individuals assigned to work on this project, including any subconsultant staff.

· A schedule outlining the proposed milestones and delivery timeline for completing the project.

· A statement outlining any exceptions to the DISTRICT’s requirements or clarifications to the requirements.

· Any additional services or procedures of benefit to the DISTRICT not specifically required herein, which the Contractor offers to provide.

· References for similar work provided, including contact name, title, phone number, and email address. 

· A summary of any litigation pending or judgements within the last 5 years.

· A fee proposal broken down by tasks included in the scope.

· Submittals shall be no more than ten (10) pages in length, double sided, not including the cover letter and resumes.

Evaluation Criteria Firms will be evaluated based on the following criteria;

· The ability of the firm to provide the anticipated services as outlined in the scope of work.

· The experience of the project manager and the firm on other similar services.

· Experience of the key individuals assigned to this project.

· References.

RFP Costs

Costs incurred for preparing and presenting your qualifications shall be the responsibility of the proposer and are not subject to reimbursement by the Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District. DATED this 3 rd day of June, 2020

Due Date:

June 21 


Erik Martin District Administrator 351 NW North Street Chehalis, WA 98532

Relevant agencies worth considering include Berlin Rosen and Shadow PR.

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