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State of Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Nursing REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES


DUE DATE:  June 6, 2023, 2:00 p.m. Central Time


The Nebraska Center for Nursing (CFN) was created by the Nebraska legislature in 2000 to address the nursing shortage in the state. Since 2000, the Nebraska Center for Nursing has been analyzing nursing workforce data collected from the surveys completed by Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) when renewing their respective nursing licenses. These surveys are analyzed considering only those nurses who work in the State of Nebraska to provide clear demographic estimates of the nursing workforce providing healthcare to the citizens of the State. Our mission is to drive change in the nursing workforce through data, education, and policy development.

Proposers are to review this section, prepare and submit a “Technical Proposal” outlining detailed responses to items A through E. Submittals within Section VI of the Proposal Response shall correspond with this information. To be considered responsive, the bidder should provide a detailed narrative response to each of the following items in response to this solicitation.


Bidder shall provide a detailed narrative response to each of the following items displaying their understanding of the project requirements:

The purpose of this RFP is to seek and retain a qualified marketing agency to work with the CFN team in planning, developing and executing marketing programs that help address the nursing shortage in Nebraska. This plan must involve promoting the value of the nursing profession while developing the image and the voice of the CFN. All proposal strategies should align with the CFN’s strategic goals and include the following:

Provide essential, reliable forecasting and workforce information resulting in equitable access and distribution of nurses (data), collaborate with key stakeholders to address the nursing shortage in Nebraska (collaboration and policy development), and promote the value of the nursing profession across Nebraska (education and promotion)


This project will begin in September 2023 and end December 2024. There will be two optional additional one-year renewal periods. The selected marketing partner will analyze an existing research summary report for the CFN and apply these findings as well as additional market research to inform and develop a comprehensive marketing strategy/campaign.

a. Review established research and conduct additional market research.

b. Collaborate with the Center for Nursing to establish a brand for CFN that establishes a logo, brand platform, website and social media presence.

c. Develop a communications plan for the CFN brand.

d. Develop and work with the CFN to implement a plan to build recognition for the work of the CFN and nursing in general.

e. Create state-wide messaging and creative material to promote the CFN brand and the value of nursing as a profession.

f. Ensure messaging and creative materials reach our target audience(s).

g. Schedule and buy media placements on a variety of media platforms.


The Center for Nursing projects a shortage of over 5000 licensed nurses in Nebraska by 2025. A marketing and promotion campaign is needed to assist in recruitment and retention of new and veteran RNs and LPNs in the state. Created in 2000 by the Nebraska Legislature following the last catastrophic nursing shortage, the Center for Nursing is the organization that tracks all issues of supply and demand for nurses, including issues of recruitment, retention, and utilization of nurses. It is expected that the nursing workforce demand in the State of Nebraska  will grow by 3.8% between 2020 and 2025. The highest growth will be experienced by RNs (4.7%), followed by LPNs (1.8%). Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) will experience a negative growth between 2020 and 2025 (-1.1%).

See Attachment 1: Excerpts from the 2022 Biennial Report, for additional information regarding the nursing profession and nursing shortages in Nebraska.

Summary of what we know:

• Schools continue to work to increase the supply

• The state’s aging population and demographics require more nursing care = more nurses

• There is a growing generational impact on the current and incoming nursing workforce

• Retention of licensed nurses is the key!

The big picture target is education of citizens of Nebraska about the value of and need for licensed nurses. This includes legislators, employers, payors, as well as potential students. Potential students include any Nebraskan seeking an exciting and rewarding career (high school, young adults, second career seekers).


The CFN is seeking a marketing partner to provide creative development and media buying services to develop the CFN brand and promote the nursing profession in the state of Nebraska. The selected agency will assist in the development and execution of an effective, comprehensive marketing campaign.

The chosen vendor will be responsible for all Integrated Marketing Services and measurement of changes in image, recruitment, and retention.

Integrated Marketing Services include offering a complete solution that collectively integrates the various services provided under the following categories. This creation of comprehensive solutions using strategically targeted marketing plans includes full-service execution of media planning and creative multimedia campaigns.

a. Advertising Services

Services include, but are not limited to the following:

i. advertising objective determination, message decision / creation, media selection, outdoor marketing and media services, broadcast media (radio, TV and public service announcements), direct mail services, media planning, media placement services, advertising evaluation, related activities to advertising services.

ii. Promote public awareness of a program’s mission and initiatives

iii. Enable public understanding of complex technical and social issues

iv. Disseminate information to industry and consumer advocacy groups and engage in recruitment campaigns

b. Web Based Marketing Services

Services include, but are not limited to the following components:

i. website design and maintenance services, search engine development, email marketing, interactive marketing, web based advertising (including social media outlets), web based training, web casting, video conferencing via the web, section 508 compliance, including captioning services, online media management; and related activities to web based marketing services.

ii. Media will be provided in a format that is compatible with the ordering agency’s software requirements. Continual website updates and maintenance may also be required.

c. Video/Audio Production

Services include, but are not limited to the following:

v. writing, directing, shooting, arranging for talent / animation, narration, music and sound effects, duplication, distribution, video scoring; and editing.

vi. video and audio production services will be provided to inform the public and Government agencies about the latest products, services, and/or issues in various outputs such as:

a) industry standard formats, CD-ROM, DVD and video streaming development.

vii. Recording in studios, on location, live shows or events may also be required.

d. Commercial Art and Graphic Design Services

Services include commercial art, graphic design, and special effects services that educate the consumer market about product(s) and/or service(s); updating, rewriting, and/or editing materials may also be required. Services include, but are not limited to the following:

i. developing conceptual design and layouts, providing copywriting and technical writing services, creating sketches, drawings, publication designs, and typographic layouts;

ii. and furnishing custom or stock artwork (including electronic artwork).


a. All content must receive approval by appointed DHHS representative prior to placement or execution.

b. Describe your drafting process and how you charge for rewrites and edits.

c. Describe your process for approvals including appropriate timelines.

d. Submit quarterly reports of progress and marketing outcomes



Please provide a detailed narrative response to each of the following items:

a. Your firm’s philosophy and style of approach with the above services;

b. How you would use the above services to provide full campaign services;

c. How you measure changes in image, recruitment, and retention; and

d. The approach bidder will take and services provided by your firm to meet the above Scope. Include any experience and/or working knowledge of healthcare, nursing practice and education.


a. Indicate any especially creative tactics you will employ to carry out the campaign.
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