The North Dakota Department of Health’s (NDDoH) Infant and Child Death Services Program is seeking a vendor to launch a stillbirth prevention public health campaign that teaches pregnant moms to count their babies’ movements daily in their third trimester. The average live births in North Dakota is 11,300 per year. Vendor will print educational materials (including brochures, posters reminder cards) in English and Spanish with the NDDoH logo; assist in a media campaign (initial news release, targeted media pitches, and facilitation of interviews with families who have been affected); mail introductory letter (with samples of the educational materials); conduct follow-up calls; launch an email campaign (includes links to free digital tools available on the website); hold interactive web-based quarterly trainings; and provide social media outreach to North Dakota moms.
Scope of Work
Provide educational materials on stillbirth prevention.
· Provide NDDoH with social media content and digital tools for use on all social media platforms.
· Place NDDoH department logo on stillbirth prevention educational materials.
· Print educational materials with the NDDoH logo, including brochures, posters and app reminder cards in English and Spanish for all maternal health professionals, county health departments and birthing hospitals in North Dakota. Quantity estimated to reach all pregnant women in North Dakota for 12 months and available while supplies last.
· Participate in and assist with media campaign to launch stillbirth prevention public health campaign in
· North Dakota. Includes helping with initial press conference, targeted media pitches, and facilitation of interviews with families who have been affected by stillbirth or kick counting.
· Mail introductory campaign letter plus a sample of educational materials to full provider list. Vendor will follow up with a call campaign to all providers who received mailing with encouragement to order stillbirth prevention educational materials.
· Launch email campaign to everyone on the provider list with encouragement to order materials and follow-up. Email will also include links to free digital tools available on the Vendor’s website.
· Interactive stillbirth prevention web-based trainings of North Dakota maternal health workers and home visitors held quarterly.
· Launch social media outreach to North Dakota moms, educating them on stillbirth prevention and how to download a kick counting app.
Due date
April 17, 2019
Lonny Mertz
North Dakota Department of Health
Fiscal and Operations Section
600 East Boulevard Ave—Dept. 301, Room 204
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200
Email: lwmertz@nd.gov
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