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The Washington State Department of Commerce hereafter called “COMMERCE,” is initiating this Request for Proposals (RFP) for the project termed “Building Green Cities” or “BGC”. COMMERCE is soliciting proposals from firms interested in researching and identifying incentives for developers to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) techniques into development1 projects within regional growth centers. The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) identifies central Puget Sound urban growth centers as ‘regional growth centers’ in VISION 2040. Vision 2040 is PSRC’s blueprint for growth in King, Snohomish, Kitsap and Pierce Counties. The BCG project elements include: (1) researching the motivators and barriers to developers implementing LID; (2) developing guidance to local governments3 for promoting LID to developers; and (3) collaboration with The Building Green Cities’ Advisory Committee.


It is expected that the highest densities of development in the future will occur within urban centers. Increased development is associated with increased and polluted runoff into local waterways and reduced groundwater supplies. LID techniques can reduce runoff and contamination, increase local groundwater levels, and provide other ecological and social benefits. While there are regulatory LID requirements already in place for many types of development projects, this project will specifically help developers implement LID where it would not otherwise be required by stormwater permits.

The overarching goal of the project is to produce strategies, guidance, and technical tools that can help developers overcome the barriers to implementing LID. The focus of the project will be on incorporating green infrastructure into new and redeveloped building sites, rather than retrofitting existing buildings or tenant improvements, and will build upon previous work from the Green Infrastructure Policy Integration Project.4

Scope of Work:

  1. Review and summarize the literature provided by COMMERCE on; (a) the effectiveness of, and barriers to implementing low impact development (LID) in urban centers, and (b) methods for promoting LID to developers and others involved in the development process. (Not to exceed 40 documents).
  2. Conduct social marketing research with developers and others regarding barriers, as well as motivations/benefits to incorporating LID techniques in urban centers, and how to overcome barriers.
  3. Produce a social marketing report highlighting the results of the research; and
  4. Write guidance for local governments outlining ways to provide incentives for developers and others to incorporate LID into projects in urban centers.

Due Date:

March 26th, 2018


PR firms with government experience include Ketchum PR.

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