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Texas Regional Councils Needs a New Website Vendor

The Texas Association of Regional Councils

The Texas Association of Regional Councils (TARC), the statewide association of Texas’ 24 regional planning commissions or councils of government (COGs) and assists the regions in strengthening their capabilities to serve their local government members; provides a forum for the regular exchange of information and ideas; educates other governmental entities, public and private organizations, and the general public about the services and functions of regional councils; and represents the councils before both state and federal agencies and legislative bodies.

The organization is seeking a digital website agency to update their website at  They seek a site that is “more interactive and user-friendly, offering visitors easy access to information about the state’s regional councils and better technology solutions for members. The new design should also have a bold, fresh, clean look that is both dynamic and easily navigable.”

Proposals are due by March 30, 2016 and should be submitted to

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