Beauty PR is a dream job for many people. They get to promote the brand they love, set up large events, organize press releases, and so much more. Truly perfection for a lot of folks. An important thing to keep, though, in mind is that everyone’s path is different. There is no set formula for success, and nothing is guaranteed, but that certainly doesn’t mean that a job in the beauty industry is impossible.
Breaking into the industry can be difficult, but with a lot of dedication (and a little patience), success can be found in most cases. Below is a short list of tips that can help someone put themselves on the fast track to their dream job.
1. Networking Is Everything
While this is true for nearly every job in the beauty industry, it is especially true for getting into public relations. The biggest things to look out for are seminars and conventions (Cosmoprof, for example). Get out there and talk with everyone, exchange numbers and LinkedIn accounts, make yourself known.
Stumbling upon internship opportunities at a convention is quite likely, and there aren’t many ways of breaking into the industry that are better than that. Build and nurture relationships in order to strengthen them. Many of the “breaks” people get are simply because they have connections who are willing to give them a chance.
2. Hands-on Experience Is Crucial
Before moving into a PR role, get some experience working with products. Practice with different cosmetics, get a feel for the more technical side of things. Familiarizing yourself with as many products as possible will expand the likelihood of catching a big break.
Studying ad campaigns can be a great help – take Dior for example. In some of their recent photos, Gigi Hadid was seen with a lot of shapes painted on her body, as well as a third eye, and Rouge Dior 999. It was interesting and eye-catching, things an ad needs to be, and a consumer looking at a single photo from the set accomplishes many things.
3. Brand Yourself.
Building a brand requires a lot of work and expertise, and what better way for a person to show they are capable than to build their own personal brand?
The internet is an amazing tool – people can build websites to show off their knowledge and skills within the field that interests them the most, and the beauty industry is no different. In fact, it may be even more important to develop a personal brand in the beauty industry than nearly any other industry out there. Prove competence with several products, as well as a writing style, and establish a voice in the community; all of these things are made possible by a simple website and establishing yourself as a brand.
4. Appearances Matter.
In the beauty industry, one might not be surprised that appearances are important. While the importance of appearances does vary (for example, when in the office it might be less important than when you’re dealing with clients or customers), it is absolutely crucial during the interviewing stage. It is important to look good during a job interview in any industry, but it will make or break you in the beauty world.