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Town of Jonesborough Department of Tourism


117 Boone Street

Jonesborough, TN, 37659

Telephone: 423.753.3128



Summary and Background:

The Town of Jonesborough is looking for a program to record all public information on our social media accounts.

Project Purpose and Guidelines:

To address the fast-changing landscape of the internet and the way residents communicate and obtain information online, the Town of Jonesborough may consider using social media tools to archive. The Town of Jonesborough encourages the use of social media to further our goals and the missions of its departments, where appropriate.

The Town of Jonesborough wants to build communication with our residents and visitors and encourage participation and feedback through social engagement.

The Town of Jonesborough aims to effectively use social media accounts to:

• Provide information

• Support community engagement and outreach

• Support marketing and promotional campaigns

• Retain all records

Request for Proposal and Project Timeline

Request for Proposal Timeline: 

Deadline: Notifications to bidders will be completed no later than October 11, 2022,

Proposal Evaluation Criteria Bidders should provide the following items as part of their proposal for consideration:

• All pricing information. 

• Which social media platforms will be covered. 

• Which information will be recorded. This includes post, comments, shares, messages, etc.

• If information is retroactively covered. 

• How much content can this program cover. 

• In the event of our account(s) being hacked, how will the program respond. A selected committee will evaluate all proposals based on the following criteria.

• Overall proposal suitability: proposed solution(s) must meet the scope and needs included herein and be presented in a clear and organized manner.

• Value and cost: Bidders will be evaluated on the cost/value of their solution(s) based on the work to be performed in accordance with the scope of this project. •

Each bidder must submit one (1) copy of their proposal to the address or email address below by September 30, 2022, at 5 p.m. EST: or Town of Jonesborough Visitors Center Nora Davis 117 Boone Street Jonesborough, TN 37659

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