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UC Davis Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)-Marketing Services

UC DAVIS Issues Brand Strategy RFP

Deadline for Submission of Electronic Bid: Monday, January 15, 2024 5PM PT

Project Overview

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) is seeking an agency to develop

materials and messaging for a campaign to promote home hardening and “Zone

Zero” requirements that will soon be mandated for California residents and property

owners. The second phase of the project is to develop and launch a campaign to

promote the information throughout the state.

UC ANR Background

The University of California is California’s land-grant institution. UC ANR focuses on

applied research and the practical extension of science-based information in every

county in California. Our mission is to connect communities with UC research in

agriculture, natural resources, nutrition, and economic and youth development to

improve the lives of all Californians.

Zone Zero Overview

The Zone Zero project aims to develop a unified education and outreach strategy

for CAL FIRE and UC Cooperative Extension to help California adapt to wildfire. New

regulations require modification of vegetation and fuels surrounding the first five

feet of structures (both new and existing) to address vulnerabilities to wildfire.

Wildland fires are spread by a combination of a moving flame front and the wind

distribution of embers. Embers are small pieces of plants, trees, or buildings that

are light enough to be blown through the air and can result in the rapid spread of

wildfire by where embers are blown ahead of the main fire, starting new fires.

Home/building loss during wildfires is due to some part of the building igniting from

one or more of the three basic wildfire exposures: 1) embers, 2) radiant heat, and 3)

direct flame contact. Embers cause the majority of wildfire home ignition by directly

igniting the home or igniting vegetation or materials on or near the home that

results in flames touching the house or a high heat (radiant heat) exposure that

may directly ignite combustible siding or break glass in a window.

The 0 to 5-foot zone (a.k.a. Zone Zero) addresses the missing ingredient in

defensible space protection.

Our goal is to help California residents, landscape and building contractors, city and

county staff, and agencies understand how to implement an ember-resistant zone

within five feet of a structure (“Zone Zero”) as directed by AB 3074 (2020) and

following the regulatory adoption by the California Board of Forestry and Fire

Protection (anticipated mid-2023). The primary goals are to:

 interpret the goals and justification for Zone 0

 explain what is allowable in Zone 0

 facilitate harmonization with Zone 1 and 2 defensible space zones UC Davis Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)-Marketing Services – 003308-Nov2023

Project Scope and Deliverables

We are seeking an agency to work with key UC ANR leaders and staff members on

the following initiatives and deliverables.

Develop creative materials and messaging for a Zone Zero campaign. Diversify from existing images and messaging related to home hardening concerning structure type (multi-family, construction style, manufactured homes, etc.) and vegetation type (represent diverse types of vegetation in CA).

Develop and launch a promotional campaign on social media and other recommended advertising platforms to generate awareness of Zone Zero and home hardening.

Mandatory elements:

 Imagery that reflects the diversity of CA

 Culturally sensitive messaging

 Call to action

 Images for a variety of building types, including manufactured homes, multifamily, and commercial businesses, in addition to single-family homes, in a variety of densities and vegetation types 

 UC ANR branding (possibly cobranded with CAL FIRE)

Ideas generated to-date by the internal team include:

 “Story maps” style content with before/after imagery

 “Choose your own adventure” website where you can search for your

neighborhood type to learn how to protect your home

 Pocket guide to protecting your home from wildfire

 Images that show what the causes of fire could have been (puzzle-solving)

 Testimonial stories (“here’s how we were able to save our home”)

 Leave-behinds for inspectors and homeowners in multiple languages UC ANR Campaign Platforms-English and Spanish

Other outlets recommended by contracted firm

UC ANR Assets

UC ANR in-house staff includes graphic designers, video producers, writers, photographers, editors, Spanish-language translators, and technical experts involved in the Zone Zero policy development. These resources are all available to support the contracted firm. Our in-house team can also help with execution of the marketing campaign if needed.


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