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University of North Carolina Issues RFP For UNC-TV Branding Strategy

University of North Carolina Issues RFP For UNC-TV Branding Strategy

The purpose of this request is to identify and select an integrated communication and design vendor with expertise in branding, organizational marketing, and internal and external communications. It is critical that the vendor be open and flexible in its processes. The selected agency would collaborate with us for six months to complete the branding strategy and launch with the possibility of up to a year, possibly longer, to work through the ongoing execution and brand materials deliverables.


Public media isn’t just TV anymore. We’re online and offline, everywhere and anytime. We are emergency support and civil discourse, children’s activities and teacher resources. We share your stories and care about our communities because we are your neighbors. We are public media in North Carolina and we are the face of you. As we evolve and adapt to the changing media landscape and audience demands, we are looking ahead to developing a lasting, new brand platform that will help us better articulate and express our current state and future plans.

Our new corporate brand will be structured using the “house of brands” model with an architecture of tier 1 (corporate brand), tier 2 (channel/vertical brands) and tier 3 (show/projects brands). This architecture must appeal to/resonate with current and future residents; current members and those we hope to attract; our state-wide audiences; donors, partners, and corporate funders; and our State University system and leadership.

The brand strategy work will include the language of our brand, the creative elements needed to express our story (brand platform, style guide, messaging, personality, templates etc.) as well as strategy around how to bring this to market. The best ideas will help us move forward into a new era with a bold, distinctive set of creative elements and a strong plan for successful execution.

On air, online and in person, UNC-TV Public Media North Carolina connects North Carolinians to each other, the world and endless possibilities. Through its unique partnership of public investment and private support, the statewide network includes in-person engagement, digital-first social and online content delivery, and four over-the-air channels—UNCTV PBS & More, the North Carolina Channel, Rootle 24/7 PBS KIDS and the Explorer Channel. The branding work will focus on the master brand and not individual channel brands.

Our FY 2018-2019 Strategic Objectives –


Scope of Work:

UNC-TV has identified the below phases of work with corresponding deliverables as part of the rebranding initiative.

UNC-TV wants Vendor using its expertise to define for UNC-TV what the elements, messaging platform, value proposition, and brand platform should be moving forward. UNC-TV is requesting that all interested vendors provide information in three areas: your approach to the process, a general timeline and estimated cost for each phase.

Phase 1: Discovery – Understand the existing landscape and potential opportunities/roadblocks impacting a brand refresh of UNC-TV.

Phase 2: Strategy – Craft a clear, actionable and emotionally compelling brand foundation to unify communications and experiences.

Phase 3: Identity – Develop the verbal/visual representation of the Public Media North Carolina brand.

Phase 4: Activation – Create a launch and implementation plan to engage and motivate internal and external audiences and celebrate important milestones.

Phase 5: Management – Distribution of brand toolkit and brand guidelines and ongoing management of brand consistency.

Due Date:

December 19



ATTN: Rhonda Turner,

UNC Center for Public Television

10 UNC-TV Drive

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

MWWPR and Zeno Group have relevant experience.

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