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V&T Commission (VTC) Issues Public Relations RFP

V&T Commission (VTC) Issues Public Relations RFP

The Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway is seeking to retain the services of a PR firm to direct and coordinate all V&T Marketing/Public Relations/Communications.


In 1870, Nevada’s first short-line railroad, the Virginia and Truckee Railroad (V&T), was completed between Carson City and Virginia City. Two years later, the track was extended to Reno to connect with the transcontinental Central Pacific Railroad. The V&T was the brain child of William Sharon, William Ralston, and D.O. Mills of the Bank of California in San Francisco. They feared that Adolf Sutro’s plan to drain the Comstock mines of water through an ingenious tunnel would adversely affect the bank-held monopoly of mills along the Carson River. William Sharon petitioned the Nevada legislature and received funds to build the railroad. This calculated move stalled the tunnel’s completion for many years. The line served to haul ore from Virginia City to the mills in Carson City, lumber from the Sierra Nevada, and passengers traveling between Virginia City, Carson City, Reno, and Minden (south of Carson City). The V&T operated from 1869 until 1950.

In 1972, Robert C. Gray, who was one of the passengers on the last train to Virginia City in 1938, sought to rebuild the V&T as a tourist line. After gaining approval from Storey Commission, reconstruction of the line began from F Street to the Eastern portal of Tunnel #4. The railroad’s first operating season was 1976. Work continued on Tunnel #4 until it was reopened in the late 1980s. The Gray family continued to work on the line, and in 1991, reopened the part of the line between Virginia City and Gold Hill Station.

As early as 1993, interest in rebuilding the route beyond Gold Hill had been expressed by the State of Nevada. The state set up a commission to rebuild the line, known as the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway.

Officials with the Commission held a “silver spike” ceremony January 3, 2006, in Carson City to commemorate the completion of two miles of track near Gold Hill. The construction, completed in September 2005, is part of an effort to restore the V&T’s mainline from Virginia City to Carson City for operations. Then Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev), who was instrumental in securing $10 million in federal funding for the project, and Nevada Lieutenant Governor Lorraine Hunt, who secured an additional $1 million in state funding for the project, both spoke at the ceremony. On August 14, 2009 the ceremonial first run from Virginia City to Carson City Eastgate Station occurred for VIPs. On the 15th and 16th the line opened to the public.

Currently, the V&T Railway Commission has an independent contract with the Virginia Truckee Railroad to provide excursion services which include regularly scheduled steam and diesel trains, as well as special event trains like the Polar Express, all departing from the Eastgate depot in Carson City. This agreement also includes providing excursion services with passenger coaches in 19th century period appearance.

Scope of Work:

Public Relations:


Website development and maintenance:

Account Management & Reporting:

Due Date:

March 16th, 2018


V&T Commission

c/o Chris Kipp, Operations Manager

Carson City Culture & Tourism Authority

716 N. Carson Street

Carson City, NV 89701

Strong travel PR agencies include 5WPR and Coyne PR.

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