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What is the Role of Marketing by a Company’s Board of Directors


The Board of Directors of an organization have usually been the fiduciary decision-makers. However, sometimes boards have sought to extend their influence. It is becoming clearer that the amount of revenue generated by a company depends on a number of factors, with marketing being an important one. This means that the duty of the board could very well extend to decisions regarding marketing and advertising.

Marketing and The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is usually responsible for making financial decisions.  However, there are stipulations regarding who may become a part of the board. In recent times, many organizations have been looking towards marketing professionals to include on their boards . The primary reason is that a person with extensive marketing experience will be able to lead the board regarding the brand’s marketing efforts. Boards of directors have been getting increasingly involved in the marketing side of their organizations.

The Board’s Role in Marketing

The role of the Board in marketing can be summed up as follows:

Steps To Promote The Board’s Role in Marketing

The Board of Directors of an organization can help shape its marketing operations. To promote more active participation by the board, the following steps can be implemented:

What Can be Expected?

By increasing the role of the board in marketing, an organization can achieve the following:

Ronn Torossian is an NYC-based entrepreneur.

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