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Request for Proposals:

Video Production & Digital Marketing Services

Submittal of Questions Deadline 3:00 P.M. Local Time on Wednesday, December 13, 2023


The Whiteman Area Leadership Council (WALC) is a 501c3 public-benefiting non-profit organization, comprised of regional leaders and defense-related experts committed to supporting Whiteman Air Force Base (WAFB) mission readiness. Mission readiness is accomplished by recruiting the best military personnel possible, training and retaining military personnel and making sure their families are taken care of at and around WAFB. WALC and its partners monetarily invest in activities that support readiness and deliver cost-effective infrastructure essential to maintaining excellent quality of life standards at WAFB and surrounding communities. For more information on WALC, visit


WALC is requesting proposals from professional marketing and media firms (hereafter “Partner”) specializing in the production of a multi-faceted regional digital campaign targeting military personnel and their families who are considering or are moving to Whiteman Air Force Base (WAFB), Missouri. The video campaign will promote WAFB region of Missouri as a great place to learn, live, play, and work. WALC is looking to build a partnership with a professional firm that has the expertise and experience necessary to achieve current and future marketing goals.


Video production and digital marketing services (hereafter “Project”) will feature this region’s exceptional quality of place story and attempt to ease the anxiety that naturally accompanies a move and new place to live.

Furthermore, this project should increase the overall satisfaction of military personnel and their families stationed at WAFB. The production of a 3-5-minute video promoting the WAFB region of Missouri as a great place to live, play, work and learn with the intent to promote the WAFB region to military personnel and their families. In addition, five short videos will be produced. These will be approximately 30 seconds in length and designed for social media outlets on topics of concern to military personnel and their families such as: housing, childcare, education, spousal employment and healthcare – known to the Air Force as the “Five and Thrive.”

The ultimate goal of this project is to enhance the region’s attractiveness for future military investment in support of the existing and future missions by improving awareness and access to quality of life amenities in the area surrounding WAFB.


1. One three to five-minute video promoting the WAFB region of Missouri as a great place to live, play,

work and learn

2. Five short form edits, approximately 30 seconds in length. Each of the five vignettes will represent a different quality of life aspect for military: housing, childcare, education, spousal employment and healthcare

3. Testimonial, Interview and Photo assets for the region as applicable

4. Establish key performance measures, oversee target audience digital distribution and track results

5. WALC will own all the materials produced royalty free.

Technical Requirements

WALC expects all video to have professional-grade features including, but not limited to, the following components where appropriate:

• Secure rights to existing video stock featuring major sporting and cultural activities including but not limited to, the upcoming World Cup and Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts

• Wide, tight and drone shots, including focus on details and key subject matter

• Voice-over/narration through an entire scene or at key moments, when appropriate

• Testimonial and Interviews, when appropriate

• Photographs, when appropriate

• Still and animated onscreen graphics and text, when appropriate

• Secure rights to music tracks and accompanying background music/SFX, when appropriate

• Videos must be high-definition quality

• The videos should include music, creative graphics and voice over, when applicable

• Videos must be able to be used in multiple mediums –web, social, etc.


The campaign will be promoted via:

• Consultation on digital or web-placement and usage is required

• Web-based digital display ads and digital pre-roll video ads

• Search-based pay-per-click ads

• Web-based native content marketing

• Paid and organic social media marketing

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