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The Alabama Seafood Marketing Commission (ASMC) was established through Executive Order on March 18, 2011. The ASMC is comprised of fifteen voting members appointed by the Governor to represent the many and varied industries and entities related directly and indirectly to Alabama’s seafood industry. Membership also includes the ex-officio non-voting members from the Alabama Tourism Department, the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Alabama Department of Public Health, and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries. The ASMC also has non-voting members from the Baldwin County and Mobile County Legislative Delegations, and a representative of the Alabama Governor’s Office.

The ASMC is responsible for advising the Program Administrator with respect to the marketing of Alabama seafood. The Program Administrator will develop and implement a seafood marketing program. In order to accomplish this endeavor, funds were provided to the State of Alabama by BP Exploration and Production Inc. and other sources to fund the Alabama seafood marketing program in previous years. Since 2011, ASMC has worked to build the marketing, public relations, and outreach campaign to help consumers feel confident about the safety of Alabama seafood and to discover the availability and positive attributes of this bounty. The ASMC, representing all components of the seafood distribution chain, along with the tourism, charter boat sector, and governmental entities, has been established to coordinate the efforts by providing a cohesive vision and overarching strategies to showcase Alabama seafood. These strategies will focus on expanding the value, pride, brand, and global market share of Alabama seafood. The work of the firm selected in this RFP will expand on the work that has been accomplished over previous years as funding remains available.


The Vendor that is selected to perform the marketing and public relations functions outlined herein will be advised by the Alabama Seafood Marketing Commission and its Program Administrator. After the Vendor is selected, a meeting will be held with the ASMC to ensure that all parties have the opportunity to discuss possible strategies and provide input on the overarching marketing plan. Duties of the selected firm may include, but are not limited to, the following areas of priority:

  1. Continue to define Alabama Seafood—develop a comprehensive definition of Alabama seafood brand and assess how to best use this brand in a marketing plan. The brand should include all segments of the seafood industry in Alabama.
  2. Establish a public relations plan to assist with achieving the ASMC’s goals
  3. Provide specific message points for industry and Commission members to use when being interviewed by the media and develop a plan to address media messages for all sectors, along with message to use in case of emergencies.
  4. Coordinate international/national/regional/state/local advertising and public relations to expand efforts, including but not limited to, culinary and restaurant publications, other print media, television promotions, outdoor advertising, and radio outlets
  5. Work with chefs when they are interviewed by the media to assist with positive messaging
  6. Develop retail and food service programs to assist with increasing Alabama seafood sales. These strategies can include the cross-promotion of products with Alabama seafood.
  7. Coordinate participation in international, national, regional, and state consumer, retail and food service trade events to educate participants about the availability and quality of Alabama seafood. These events should include cooking shows, trade shows, festivals, competitions, fairs, and other gatherings.
  8. Provide program marketing communications which will include creative design and development, implementation, production, photography, videography, and media purchasing.
  9. Design and produce educational materials for trade, retail, food service, consumers, tourist, and other groups.
  10. Improve and maintain a website for the Alabama Seafood Marketing Commission. This web development will include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media outlets.
  11. Conduct ongoing research regarding consumption and brand recognition.
  12. Market to audiences beyond Alabama and the Gulf region—business to business marketing.
  13. Tie together the Alabama seafood experience for tourists. Selling this coastal experience will help all sectors related to seafood.
  14. Develop seafood education programs for children and foster strategic partnerships with other organizations.
  15. Create a comprehensive scope of work plan encompassing all of these points and including deliverables, timelines, and budget.


Vendors must submit one (1) electronic version of the proposal, in PDF format, saved to a USB Storage Device, along with three (3) printed paper copies no later than 12 pm (NOON) CST on Wednesday, December 22, 2021. All submissions become property of the Alabama Seafood Marketing Commission and will not be returned.

Proposals must be sealed and labeled on the outside of the package to clearly indicate that they are in response to the “RFP for SEAFOOD MARKETING”. Mail, UPS, Federal Express or hand deliver the hard copies and USB Storage Device to:

Chris Blankenship

ASMC Program Administrator

64 North Union Street, Suite 468

Montgomery, AL 36130

If you have any questions, please submit them via email to Subject line should read: “Question – RFP for Seafood Marketing”.

Agencies to consider include Zeno Group and Prosek Partners.

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