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Communications RFP Issued By Government of Nunavut



The Government  of  Nunavut  (GN)  Department  of  Community  and Government  Services,  on behalf  of  the Department  of  Economic  Development  and  Transportation,  is  issuing this  Request  for  Proposals  (RFP)  for  services in the following areas: 

1.  Project  and  Event  Management  Services 

2.  Strategic  Planning  and  Program  Design 

3.  Communications  /  Public  Relations  /  Facilitation   

4.  Tourism  and  Cultural  Industries  Training  Services 

5.  Tourism  and  Cultural  Industries  Research   

6.  Marketing,  Branding,  Media  Planning  and  Buying  Services

7.  Video  and  Photography  Services

8.  Exhibition  and  Maintenance  Services

The Department  of  Economic  Development’s  (EDT)  division of  Tourism  and Cultural  Industries  (TCI)  works  with Nunavummiut  to develop strong and sustainable tourism and cultural  sectors  in  Nunavut.  On occasion,  TCI experiences  very  high volumes  of  work  levels  where timelines,  deliverables,  and  competing priorities  occur,  which can often make it  harder  to  meet  the  division’s  goals.  As  a  result,  the  division  requires  additional  capacity  for  short periods  for  special  and technical  projects. The success  of  TCI’s  programs  and service delivery  is  dependent  on the division’s  ability  to manage resources and  information  in  a timely  manner.  TCI  intends  to establish a  Standing  Offer  Agreement  (SOA)  using this  RFP process  as  a preliminary  step,  with  the  agreed  list  of  contractors  possessing the required credentials  in  a variety of  specialized program  areas  unique  to tourism  and  cultural  industries. This  SOA  will  allow  TCI  to  periodically  increase capacity  for  specific  events  and  projects,  communication  and policy  services  functions  for  up to the next  three years.  Some projects  will  have  the  requirement  of  being completed under  short  timelines.


About Tourism and  Cultural  Industries

The Tourism and Cultural  Industries  division  employs  staff  dedicated to the tourism and cultural  industry  sectors to guide tourism development  through continued collaboration  between  government  and stakeholders,  to develop and coordinate  initiatives  and programs  to support  Nunavut’s  cultural  industries,  and to provide  quality  advice and support  concerning tourism  and cultural  industry  related programs,  development,  and  innovation. The division administers  the Community  Tourism  and  Cultural  Industries  (CTCI)  funding  program and provides information  to businesses  and individuals  in the tourism and arts  sectors.  The  Division  also  supports  community organizations,  non-governmental  organizations  and sector  associations.  The division core funds  the  Nunavut Tourism,  and the  Nunavut  Film  Development  Corporation  to help these organizations  encourage  sustainable tourism  and  cultural  economic  development  throughout  the territory.


To support  and promote  the development  of  Nunavut’s  tourism  and cultural  industries  sectors  by  encouraging  and coordinating sector  specific  partnerships,  programs,  and initiatives.


a)  Encourage the  development  and  enhancement  of  tourist  attractions,  products  and  services  at  the  local and territorial  level.

b)  Achieve  consistent,  sustainable tourism growth  by  managing  the sector  through  a  sound regulatory framework,  consistent  and  comprehensive  data collection,  and by  implementing effective models  and support  for  community-based business  development. 

c)  Demonstrate the socio-economic  impact  of  the arts  within communities  and strive  to encourage excellence and  innovation  in Nunavut’s  arts  sector  by  providing support  and funding to  artists  and arts organizations.

d)  Serve all  arts  sectors,  including but  not  limited to:  music,  performing  arts,  visual  arts  and  design,  film,  new media,  and publishing.

e)  Encourage  industry  development  by  establishing cross-sectorial  partnerships  and collaborations


1.  Project  and  Event  Management  Services

Organizing conferences,  workshops,  seminars,  trade  shows,  focus  groups,  community  consultations,  industry  and stakeholder  consultations  and other  types  of  projects  and  events  on  behalf  of  EDT  TCI,  including:

•  Executing advertising  and  promotional  campaigns

•  Securing sponsors  and  partners

•  Working with suppliers,  exhibitors  and committees

•  Developing and  overseeing  budgets

•  Organizing venues,  speakers,  and technical  support

•  Managing registration   

•  Preparing  event  materials 

•  Managing logistics   

•  Security services 

•  Overseeing venue  and room bookings

2.  Strategic  Planning and  Program  Design

Significant  experience  in  tourism  and  cultural  industries  related  strategic  planning  and  program  design,  including knowledge  of  the realities  and limitations  of  the cultural  art  and  tourism sectors  in the territory:

•  Business  case development  and  analysis,  strategic  business  planning,  vision,  mission,  core values,  short term and  long-term  planning and SWOT  analysis.  Organized methodologies  and  approaches  to  assist TCI  in insuring goal  consistency  and  alignment   

•  Completing a  market  assessment  and strategic  development  framework

•  Assessing feasibility  of  ‘one-window’  licencing approach for  all  tourism operators

•  Assisting  with Tourism  Strategic  Development  Plan  for  communities

•  Assisting  with raising  awareness  about  the  potential  benefits  of  tourism to  all  communities

•  Developing feasibility  studies,  program policies  and guidelines,  and  other  support  documents  required  in the development  of  effective programs,  services  and initiatives  within  the  tourism  and cultural  industries sector

3.  Communications  /  Public  Relations  /  Facilitation

High  degree of  experience in tourism and cultural  industry  initiatives  with respect  to communications,  public relations,  and  facilitation services,  including:

•  Developing communications  plans  and strategies,  including any  required  writing,  editing,  research,  and translation and proofreading services

•  Public  Relations  and/or  media  information campaigns.  Gather,  research and prepare communications material  for  internal  and external  audiences.  Assist  with the  preparation  of  brochures,  reports,  newsletters and  other  communication tools  and campaigns.   

•  This may  also  include  facilitating community  and stakeholder  consultations,  develop and organize workshops,  meetings  ceremonies  and other  events  for  publicity,  and  information  distribution  purposes. Coordinate special  publicity  events  and promote for  internal  and external  audiences.  

•  Developing communication  protocols  for  specific  industry  sectors,  including marine tourism,  updated tourism  legislation,  and  cultural  development  initiatives  such as  ‘Authentic  Nunavut’

4.  Tourism  and Cultural  Industries Training Services

Experience with developing  and delivering  pan-national  indigenous  tourism and cultural  industries  career-readiness training  and workshops.  Successful  vendors  may  be required to  provide the following services:

•  Developing training  supports  for  tourism  service  providers,  visual  artists,  musicians,  sculptors, performers,  and others  

•  Delivering  training workshops 

•  Developing public  workshops  and consultations  on community-based tourism  and cultural  development issues

•  Skills  and professional  development  opportunities  for  GN  Tourism Officers

•  Skills  and professional  development  opportunities  for  artists of  various disciplines

•  Community  readiness  training for  local  tourism service  providers  and key  community  members

5.  Tourism  and Cultural  Industries  Research 

Experience with tourism and cultural  industry  specific  data collection and survey  development  and delivery, including  working  with visitor  information  centres,  airlines/airports,  cruise ships,  hunting  and  fishing  businesses, retailers,  household surveys,  tourism websites  and  social  media to  gather  information.  The  following  services  may be requested:

•  Development  of  a year-round GN  delivered  Visitor  Exit  Survey

•  Improving data collection and analysis,  including  developing conceptual  design,  a  turn-key  system,  and management  structure to  over-see collection

•  Monitor  the economic  impact  of  tourism and cultural  industries  

• Developing a  Market  Assessment  Report  as  required

•  Conducting market  impact  assessment  studies

•  Development  of  template-able  ‘Industry  Report  Card’  on state  of  the  industry

6.  Marketing,  Branding,  Media  Planning and  Buying  Services

Establishing  strategies  that  are  well-planned,  well-executed  and  measurable,  and to  provide  tools  for  TCI  to implement  the  strategies  in  order  to  increase  awareness  and reach  their  target  audience,  including:

•  Develop  branding  and  marketing  plans  including graphic  design services  for  Nunavut’s  tourism and  arts and creative  industries  sector

•  Review  and  analysis  of  existing research and knowledge related to  tourist  activities,  including business tourists,  cruise  tourists,  and  leisure travellers  

•  Market  research  in  different  Inuit  art  sectors,  including research on  prospective niche markets

•  Market  research  in  different  tourism  sectors,  including  indigenous  tourism,  marine  tourism,  sports  tourism, high-end  niche  tourism,  and more

•  Development  of  marketing  strategy  and creative  implementation plans

•  Social  Media Management  including management  of  user  generated  visuals  through  online platforms

•  Digital  Assent  Management  through online  platforms

•  Regular  content  refreshment  on  website

•  Digital  media planning  and  buying

•  Creative  design,  adaptations  and rotation

•  Provide point  of  view  on advertising  opportunities

•  Developing  effective campaign  evaluation tools

•  Promotional  materials  to provide support  and increase  corporate knowledge of  the brand

•  Providing  workshops/seminars  on branding  and  marketing to industry,  including to  Nunavut  artists  and tourism operators

•  Leveraging,  integrating or  rebranding existing  brands  and trademarks  that  are related  to Nunavut’s  art and tourism  sector  (Authentic  Nunavut,  Igloo Tag)

•  Obtaining the proper  copyrights  to reproduce pictures  of  an  artwork  or  a  performance for  marketing purposes,  using  the  CARFAC  minimum fee schedule

7.  Video and  Photography  Services

Tourism and  Cultural  industry  specific  video and  photography  experience an asset,  including:

•  Conducting research 

•  Writing scripts  and  developing storyboards

•  Shooting footage (video  and stills)

•  Location sound recording 

•  Writing  narration  and voice-over  recording

•  Picture  and sound editing 

•  Producing  and  directing 

•  Re-recording and sound  mixing 

•  Post-production online  and  colour  correction

•  Duplication  and versioning

CLOSING DATE – 10 March 2022


Department of Community  and  Government Services 

Government of Nunavut   

Attention:  Malcolm  Guri,  Technical  Procurement  Officer 

Iqaluit,  Nunavut X0A  0H0 

Electronically:  via the Nunavut  Tenders Bid  Box .

Agencies to consider for this include Magrino PR and SS PR.

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