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Invaluable Content Marketing Tips

Over the last couple of years content marketing became all the rage in the advertising world because it’s a great way to reach a wide audience. Content marketing is also an effective way for businesses to establish their particular brand in cyberspace, as great content and link building helps boost search engine optimization. In fact, those businesses serious about successful advertising would do well to incorporate the use of online content into their marketing scheme.

But while the advent of the Internet allowed for anyone to publish virtually anything they wanted to, splashing random content haphazardly across the World Wide Web is not an effective marketing strategy. Success in the content world involves proper planning, the right staff and, most importantly, successful execution of a marketing campaign that combines original, quality content with brand awareness. With that in mind, here are some tips for those looking to implement a successful content marketing strategy.

Create Quality Content

When the idea of publishing content on the Internet took hold as a marketing strategy, the whole landscape became the Wild West. Companies and individuals were generating low-quality and duplicate content at high volume, and for a while the page hits came rolling in. But these days carbon copies of sub-par content just won’t cut it, as Google’s Panda updates have been effective at separating the weak from the chaff.

Quality is king now, which means poorly written articles and shabbily produced video will only turn people off and hurt a fledgling brand. Those interested in content marketing need to ensure they are either A) a good writer themselves, or B) can hire professionals to generate content promoting their products and services.

Decide on a Core Message

Part of writing the aforementioned quality content involves knowing precisely what message to promote. It does no one any good to write dozens of random blog posts on a wide variety of subjects, as this method will never reach a target audience. The message needs to be a reflection of the business or company. What service does the organization offer? What is the specific brand? A sporting goods store can publish articles on outdoor activities while a suit retailer can offer advice on men’s fashion trends. The trick is finding the right message that matches the theme of the organization and creating relevant content to help drive business.

Know the Target Audience

While having great online content with a strong core message is certainly ideal, it isn’t going to accomplish much without an audience. Reaching the largest audience possible isn’t a very effective strategy for most organizations, as it is expensive and requires fewer specifics and more generalizations. The ideal method is to create content containing a specific message geared towards a niche audience. If a business can hit a smaller, targeted audience effectively then this audience can grow over time. For example, a dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry may want to eschew general content about cosmetics in favor of specifics, such as teeth whitening.

Return on Investment/Consistent Content

The end goal of content marketing should always be to grow the business. What great content does is get the audience excited about a particular brand or service. Over time the audience grows and the business’ ROI increases. But to ensure maximum exposure and steady growth, there needs to be a steady stream of content. It isn’t enough to post one or two blog posts, as this strategy is tantamount to a shot in the dark. Multiple articles and blog posts on a company website are crucial to spreading the word.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when crafting a marketing content strategy. Above all else it is important to create a solid body of material that can be disseminated effectively among a target audience. It’s only when an organization has created a strong body of content with a core message that they should then put it out in cyberspace.

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