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Content PR, the Future of Marketing

A recent infographic by Calysto Communications explains important differences between traditional PR and content PR. While traditionally, PR strategies focused on press release distribution, newsletters and printed publications, content PR is far more expansive, diverse and social. The new infographic explains that content PR involves, among several other mediums, podcasts, blogs, webinars and micro-sites.

Content PR

The Content PR infographic explains key benefits of this new way of marketing as increased visibility, customer retention, lead generation and recognition as a thought leader in the field. Ninety-six percent of Business to Business social buyers rate “thought leadership” as important when choosing a solution provider. Ninety percent of surveyed organizations employ content PR strategies over traditional PR strategies.

Laura Borgstede told EPR:

“The content that your company produces is—now more than ever—absolutely the most critical component of your marketing and PR strategy. That new content importance has created a new approach to PR. We call it content PR, and it’s about maximizing the visibility of every piece of content your company produces—whether that’s a quarterly report, a press release, a white paper, or a contributed article. Content PR provides a dramatically expanded opportunity to tell a story, and far more methods through which to make that story viral by engaging the media and the expanded audience.”

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