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Marketing Research Services Issued by Inland Empire

marketing research


Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) is a local public entity of the State of California and is a rapidly growing Medi-Cal and Medicare health plan in California. Since September of 1996, IEHP has consistently focused on our mission: “We heal and inspire the human spirit”. As a result of the Healthcare Reform and participation in the California Coordinated Care Initiatives, IEHP grew to over 1 million members as of January 1, 2015. With a provider network of over 6,400 providers and more than 2,100 employees, we serve more than 1.5 million residents of the Riverside and San Bernardino counties who are enrolled in Medi-Cal or Cal MediConnect (Medicare-Medicaid Plan). As of February 2022, there are approximately 1,505,414 lives enrolled with IEHP. The membership is broken down as follows:

• Medi-Cal – 1,473,692

• Medicare DualChoice Cal MediConnect – 31,722

Key Principles

This RFP contains a list of requirements for Bidders for Marketing Research Services on behalf of Inland Empire Health Plan. IEHP is requesting proposals from qualified vendors to provide the stated requirements of this RFP. A qualified vendor, for the purpose of this RFP, is one that can reliably and independently provide the required services to IEHP for the entire term of the agreement.

Primary Goals

a. IEHP is seeking a qualified vendor(s) to conduct an immediate IEHP community strength monitor study and to assess community perceptions with specific audiences to facilitate strategic planning. Specific objectives include, but are not limited to, the following:

i. Examine perceptions about IEHP and its competitors.

ii. Identify and examine commonalities and differences between IEHP stakeholders including current, prospective, and community members.

iii. Assess potential members’ perceptions and behaviors and identify key attributes for influencing member retention, satisfaction, and preference.

iv. Identify product market differences and opportunities, which may necessitate varying market strategies, executions, or tactics.

b. In addition to the above, the selected vendor(s) will maintain an ongoing relationship with IEHP to conduct future studies of populations, including but not limited to, the following:

i. Existing and potential IEHP Members

ii. Community members

iii. Providers

iv. IEHP staff

Program Objectives

The Bidder’s submitted RFP package should include all appropriate requirements to satisfy the identified priorities and requirements. IEHP will look to the selected vendor(s) for technical compatibility of components and application requirements satisfaction during the entire term of the Agreement.

Closing Date: 03/04/2022 on or before 2:00 PM Pacific Time

This document is provided to bidders as a reference. Bidders are not required to enter answers to bidder questions in this document. All required questions will be found under the associated solicitation number on the Bonfire website at

o All requested documents from each section shall be uploaded to their corresponding document slot at

o All questions from each section shall be answered by Bidders in the corresponding questionnaire and/or bid table located at

Agencies to consider include Zeno Group and Prosek Partners.

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