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Marketing RFP Issued By Broadband Communications North Inc

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Broadband Communications North Inc (BCN) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to conduct a Marketing and Communications Strategy. In conducting the Marketing and Communications Strategy, the external consultant will work under the direction of the Executive Director and directly in collaboration with requisite Senior Leadership.

This RFP is being issued to obtain proposals from highly professional and experienced consultants whom:

·         Deliver high quality services as outlined below with skill, integrity, confidentiality, accuracy and expertise,

·         Are knowledgeable concerning Indigenous Information Technology (IT) and their administration, procedures and policies, including in depth knowledge of Marketing and Communications functions and best practices.

·         Have an established reputation for superior consulting,

·         Are experienced in conducting similar Marketing and Communications Strategies.

·         Possess a comprehensive understanding of how not-for-profit organizations (preferably in the IT sector) are structured and function, and

·         Offer services on a competitive fee basis.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of the Marketing and Communications Services Organizational Review is:

·         The development of a long-range strategic marketing and communications plan for the organization and subsidiaries.

·         Conducting planning sessions with our board of directors, staff, and key stakeholders.

·         Development of timelines for the implementation of priority actions to finalize a marketing and communications plan.

·         Implementation of task lists; and

·         Presenting the final plan to staff and board members

1.3 Scope of Work

The scope of work to be performed by the Consultant will include, but is not limited to the following:

1. Professional third-party review of our current marketing and communication strategic plan.

Description of Task: The Consultant will work with the Executive Director and senior management to develop a communication and marketing plan that identifies the organization’s key messages, target audience(s), and potential communication actions.

This collaboration will also develop the job description with Core Competencies for the Sr. Director of Marketing and Communications to be posted in 2022. We would work with a third-party contractor to review this plan and our current outreach and communication efforts and identify strengths and weaknesses.

Proposed Timeline: Contract begins upon execution and is completed by April 2022.

Outcome: Shared understanding of current status of communication plan and actions needed to focus and finalize it.

2. Design and conduct working sessions with board members, staff, and key stakeholders.

Description of Task: The Consultant will work with the Executive Director and Senior Management to design and conduct working sessions for the Board of Directors, staff, and key stakeholders to review and identify strategic communication and marketing priorities for board members.

Proposed Timeline: Timeline to be determined, with completion date of April 2022.

Outcome: Identification of strategic communications priorities that is understood and owned by the Board of Directors and agency.

3. Finalize Board communications plan and develop detailed implementation plan for FY 2022/23

Description of Task: The consultant will work with the Executive Director and Senior Management to incorporate the priorities identified in the work sessions into a final version of the Board’s communication plan, and to develop a detailed implementation plan for FY 2022/23 that focuses on implementing identified priorities. The final draft will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and key partners.

Proposed Timeline: To be initiated by February, 2022 and completed by April 2022.

Outcome: Broadly supported outreach plan with clear schedule of specific activities focused on strategic communication priorities.

Consultant Responsibilities

The Consultant shall be responsible for drafting the final plan; organizing and leading Board workshop and compiling all components of the plan; and presenting the plan to staff and the BCN Board of Directors in April 2022.

Proposal Contents

Proposals submissions shall contain the following information:

·         A general description of the Consultant’s approach to this project, including an explanation of the approach and methodology used
to perform the scope of work outlined above

·         A “not-to-exceed cost” to perform the scope of services listed above. Include, if applicable, hourly rates to perform work and a fee
schedule for reimbursable expenses.

·         Any other information about the Consultant that would be applicable to this project.

2.0 Invitation

RFP submissions will be signed, dated and will be electronically received by:

Jason Neepin
Executive Director, Broadband Communications North Inc
26-30 Fort Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1C4

·         Clarity, structure and competitiveness of fees.

7.2 Scoring

Scoring will be applied according to the following weighting scale:

25% The Proponent’s experience and qualifications in working with broader not-for-profit (preferably IT) sector projects of a similar scope or magnitude. Satisfactory client references from the broader not-for-profit sector for whom similar work has been performed.

RFP submissions will be signed, dated and will be electronically received by:
Jason Neepin
ED, Broadband Communications North Inc
26-30 Fort Street,
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3C 1C4

Alison Brod PR and KCSA PR are relevant agencies.

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