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Marketing RFP Issued By Metropolitan Housing Alliance

MHA will receive proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide, Marketing Services which shall encompass; the planning and management of major events, product and service materials, brochures, media contacts, branding and advertisement, public relations, and media and crisis training as needed for all of its sites owned and operated by MHA and/or its affiliates, including and not limited to the Central Arkansas Housing Corporation “CAHC”.

• Reinforce MHA’s positioning in its niche market between market rate developers and property owners in a n effort to that promote upscale delivery models with the flexibility to streamline for efficiency for entities that are hampered by single-focused and basic housing options/offerings. 

• Promote MHA’s successes, potential and current production throughout Central Arkansas, making it a public provider of choice.

Develop the appropriate message and select the most appropriate communications channel relevant to the various opportunities provided.

• Assist in Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing by creating community awareness campaigns that promote to the general public knowledge of the programs and services administered by MHA and its affiliates.

• Enhance MHA’s customer service culture at the consumer level. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed bids and to establish a term contract with one or more firms through a competitive bidding process MHA. MHA reserves the right to make multiple awards. The objective of this contract is to provide the best Marketing plans for MHA housing developments authorized through the issuance and stipulation in accordance with the terms and conditions of the service, scope of work and pricing.


MHA is searching for a firm/individual that offers the ability to perform Major Campaigns with Creative Development, Production and Trafficking for the MHA and its non for profit affiliates brand. A firm with production and rebranding expertise. The major areas of attention for the successful proposer will be in planning management for major events/special projects, products and services material/brochures, media contacts, branding and advertisement, marketing, customer satisfaction and research media and crisis training and management as needed.

Scope of Work:


• Serve as MHA’s expert advisor for the development and implementation of marketing strategies for its primary revenue generating business lines

• Develop a marketing plan focused on achieving MHA’s Marketing Goals

• Create quarterly planning objectives and reporting for ensuring tactics are managed on brand and on budget, and accountable to measurement of the key performance indicators.

Marketing and Public Relations 

• Provide graphic design and content development for digital, print, and collateral material, as requested

• Manage public relations resources to accomplish the objectives as described in the marketing plan

• Provide strategic campaign support, including planning, development, and execution; multi-channel outreach; and branded material development

• Support MHA’s internal marketing needs by providing integrated collateral templates.


• Provide website design, host, development, and content services, as needed

• Provide social media strategy development, content, and execution.

Market Research 

• Conduct market research to identify target industry segments with the highest revenue generating probability, as needed,

• Conduct customer surveys, as needed. Branding 

• Advise MHA on maintaining brand consistency 

• Make recommendations on brand advancement.

Due Date:

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 BY 2:00 P.M. CST



Agencies to consider for this assignment include Hunter PR and Rubenstein PR.

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