The University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA) is the UNC System’s Conservatory for the arts, dedicated entirely to the professional training of students possessing exceptional talents in the performing, visual and moving image arts. UNCSA offers students focused, intensive, professional training at the high school, baccalaureate, and master’s levels in its schools of Dance, Design and Production, Drama, Filmmaking and Music. The Strategic Communications Office at UNCSA is seeking proposals to secure an agency partner to build upon the strategic and creative direction of the school’s recruitment marketing platform by collaborating on the next cycle of messaging, design, and strategy.
Scope of Work
The University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA) is the University of North Carolina system’s conservatory for the arts, dedicated entirely to the professional training of students possessing exceptional talents in the performing, visual and moving image arts. UNCSA offers students focused, intensive, professional training at the high school, baccalaureate, and master’s levels in its schools of Dance, Design and Production, Drama, Filmmaking and Music.
The Strategic Communications Office at UNCSA is seeking proposals to secure an agency partner to build upon the strategic and creative direction of the School’s recruitment marketing platform by collaborating on the next cycle of messaging, design and strategy. We are seeking an agency that will begin this work with a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the recruitment landscape as it pertains to the arts and the specific disciplines at UNCSA and their peer sets. Deliverables will include:
● Research: Conduct qualitative and quantitative research to provide information that will help UNCSA evolve student recruitment efforts, and collaborate with the agency on the development of a new unified concept for messaging and creative to be delivered across all channels listed below.
● Print collaterals: copy refresh and design of a suite of optimized collateral materials for recruitment of prospective students. Print-ready files should be delivered to in-house Creative Services Manager who will manage production.
○ Viewbook
○ 5 conservatory brochures, self-mailer
○ 1 program specific template, self-mailer
○ 1 general brochure, self-mailer
○ Postcard template if recommended as part of direct mail marketing strategy
○ Acceptance packet
○ Link to current recruitment materials: https://www.uncsa.edu/mysa/marketing-communications/recruitment-materials-information.aspx
● Digital and Print Marketing: Comprehensive strategy for print and digital marketing messaging, creative and campaigns including:
○ Review of current creative and messaging.
○ Providing updated creative and messaging for print marketing, search, display and social placements, including animation and video where appropriate.
○ Recommendations for expansion into new channels and audience targeting strategies.
○ Recommendations for specific strategies by audience High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate prospective students.
○ Audit of UNCSA marketing landing page template, recommendations for A/B testing to increase conversions. (hosted on Modern Campus) https://www.uncsa.edu/go/dance.aspx
○ Style guide for ongoing marketing.
○ Recommendations and templates for organic social media including campaign executions and potentially new institutional hashtag.
● Website: Review UNCSA website (hosted on Modern Campus) as a Prospective student and make recommendations for improvement including:
○ Audit of UNCSA program page templates. (hosted on Modern Campus) https://www.uncsa.edu/music/strings/undergraduate-strings/violin.aspx
○ Opportunities for personalized content and integration with Technolutions SLATE.
○ Clarification of application and admissions process. https://www.uncsa.edu/admissions/apply.aspx
● Communications: Comprehensive update to marketing communications plan from prospect to enrollment including:
○ Audit of current marketing communications plan and communications from prospect to enrollment.
○ Recommendations for specific messaging to be incorporated for audiences by conservatory (Dance, Design & Production, Drama, Filmmaking and Music) and level (High School, Undergraduate, Graduate). ○ Review and recommendations of timing for drip comm plans in Technolutions SLATE.
○ Updated email template design, mobile friendly.
○ Generation of communication plan maps for prospect, applicant, admitted and enrolled students.
○ Review of direct mail marketing strategies and recommendations for best and most current practices utilizing Technolutions SLATE
● Creative process: Outlining our expectations for the creative and messaging process for deliverables in this project.
○ UNCSA requests three distinct first-round concepts for overall messaging theme and creative.
○ From there we will choose one concept to refine, finalize through three rounds of feedback.
○ Once that concept is finalized, the agency will create print and digital template variations as needed for advertising placements.
○ Final template files will be delivered to UNCSA as packaged InDesign files.
○ Templates and original files belong to UNCSA, and will be provided to UNCSA upon completion.
Upload your submission at: https://uncsa.bonfirehub.com/opportunities/59476 Your submission must be uploaded, submitted, and finalized prior to the Closing Time of February 28, 2022, 2:00 PM EST. We strongly recommend that you give yourself sufficient time and at least ONE (1) day before Closing Time to begin the uploading process and to finalize your submission.
Direct all inquiries concerning this RFP to:
Paschelle Mitchell-Palmer
Associate Director of Purchasing
Email: mitchell-palmerp@uncsa.edu
Phone: 336-770-3320
Relevant agencies to consider include Hunter PR and Magrino PR.