The Purchasing Agency’s mission is “supporting individuals by promoting recovery, self-determination and wellness in all aspects of life”.
The Purchasing Agency’s Office of Behavioral Health Wellness (OBHW) is responsible for promoting behavioral health wellness through a comprehensive array of strategies to reduce substance abuse and promote mental health. In partnership with 40 CSBs/Behavioral Health Authorities (BHA), community coalitions and other local, state and federal collaborators, the OBHW team leads prevention efforts for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG), State Opioid Response (SOR) Grant, Problem Gambling Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Mental Health First Aid, Behavioral Health Equity and Disparities, Refugee Mental Health and other statewide initiatives.
The SOR grant was awarded by SAMHSA to DBHDS to combat the opioid crisis and stimulant misuse. With SOR funding, DBHDS supports several state and local initiatives across the continuum of care to address opioid use disorder and prevent opioid overdose deaths. A website and marketing campaign (curbthecrisis.com) directly addresses those impacted by the opioid crisis in Virginia.
Separately, a portion of the SOR Prevention budget is allocated to launch a statewide media campaign promoting wellness. The Statewide Media Campaign Project Advisory Committee (PAC) has conducted community research including a survey, focus groups and Photo Voice projects to learn more about what types of media Virginians use, how they define health and wellness, who they trust for health information and more.
After the message design refinement, and placement planning phase of approximately two months, the target for campaign launch is spring 2022.
Scope of Work:
The Contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, labor, resources and materials to provide a Media Consultant/Media Buying Services. The Contractor shall work collaboratively with DBHDS’s State Opioid Response (SOR) Prevention Coordinator and a PAC on a statewide media campaign project to promote wellness.
The PAC will be comprised of a representative from OMNI Institute and prevention professional employees at various Community Services Boards (CSBs) throughout the Commonwealth. The Contractor shall develop authentic and original messages that shall reach and resonate with a specified focus audience to be applied towards multiple media modalities and incorporate creative in-person strategies through community engagement.
The campaign focus audience is people residing in the Commonwealth of Virginia, ages 18- 34, with an emphasis on Black or African American persons and Hispanic or Latino persons.
The Contractor shall work in collaboration with DBHDS to provide a Media Consultant/Media Buying Services.
The Media Consultant/Media Buyer shall:
1. Work with the PAC to review the preliminary research conducted and ensure messages and campaign implementation strategies are specifically designed to be authentic and appropriate for the focus audience.
2. Make recommendations for in-person strategies, utilizing local champions for grassroots efforts and community engagement.
3. Produce original designs and develop content to support multiple forms of media. This may include, but is not limited to; rack cards, posters, video, radio, social media content, bus boards and billboard imagery.
4. Create content/images, in collaboration with the PAC, adhering to tight deadlines.
Due Date: December 17
All Inquiries For Information Must Be Emailed To: Pamela Logan at pamela.logan@dbhds.virginia.gov. Emails are the preferred method of communication
Prosek Partners and Zeno Group are agencies worth considering.