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Media RFP Issued By Maryland Dept of Health


The Maryland Department of Health (MDH or the Department), Office of Family & Community Health Services is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide development and design of a print and digital media campaign (including logo and slogan branding) focused on sexual risk reduction education that targets Maryland youth, ages 10-19. The media campaign will be statewide, targeting youth in all 24 Maryland jurisdictions, with the goal of increasing awareness of sexual risk reduction strategies to reduce unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections with a primary focus on abstinence from sexual intercourse as the preferred prevention method. Campaign materials will include customizable, age appropriate, print and digital media formatted for use on websites as advertisements as well as hard copy materials that can be disseminated in school and community program settings.

Scope of Work

The MDH Office of Family & Community Health Services (OFCHS) is seeking the services of a Contractor to develop and design a print and digital media campaign (including logo and slogan branding) associated with the implementation of the Maryland Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) to raise awareness about sexual risk avoidance strategies to reduce sexually transmitted infections (STI) and unplanned pregnancy rates among youth ages 10-19 in Maryland. The campaign will also include media designed to target parents and caregivers of youth ages 10-19. 

a. Logo and Slogan Branding Concept- OFCHS will provide conceptual input and creative direction for the logo and slogan, which will be used on all outreach and educational materials associated with the implementation of the Maryland SRAE program. The goal is to create a recognizable brand for the SRAE program and raise awareness about sexual risk avoidance strategies.

b. Digital Media Campaign-The Contractor will design and produce a digital media campaign to raise awareness about how youth ages 10-19 can avoid contracting STIs and unplanned pregnancies by highlighting abstinence as the best sexual risk avoidance strategy. 

c. Print Media Campaign-In addition to the digital campaign the Contractor will provide a minimum of four (4) print advertisements using still images and appropriate copy from the digital ads. These print ads will complement the digital ads and will be used for future advertising on mass transit, billboards, or printed publications. Ads should be made available in English & Spanish (linguistically and culturally correct) based on creative discussions with OFCHS.

There are two goals associated with this activity:

1) Increase awareness of the benefits of delaying sexual activity among youth. OFCHS will provide conceptual input and creative direction. This will be a statewide campaign reaching all 24 Maryland jurisdictions and will require supportive materials. Desired behavior changes as a result of these materials include:

i. Increase consideration for the delayed initiation of sexual activity among 10-19 year-olds.

ii. Increase parent/caregiver knowledge, skills, and comfort discussing sexuality and risk avoidance strategies with young people through educational parent education sessions

2) Increase enrollment in local SRAE programs to provide abstinence-based sexual health education using evidence-based curriculums that promote sexual risk avoidance.

d. Edits may be required after Departmental review and running of the ads. All produced messages and campaign materials will be the property of MDH. The Contractor will provide MDH with all designs, logos, links, and any other files requested as a result of the contract. OFCHS will provide any required MDH logos and other tags or disclaimers as needed to be placed in ads.

e. The Contractor shall be responsible for all creative services necessary for design and production, including, but not limited to, design, filming, dubbing, recording, editing, and photographic services, as necessary. The selected Contractor shall provide a file-sharing program for OFCHS to review and approve ads.

f. Final products must be ready for the perpetual use of OFCHS for future campaigns at no additional cost. The Contractor shall purchase all rights to any images, photos, pictures, music, etc. used in conjunction with the digital media ads. OFCHS/MDH will own the rights for all materials purchased. If talent will be used in the ads, all associated talent fees (union or non-union) must be covered by the selected Contractor for indefinite use by OFCHS/MDH. All arrangements and coordination for production and talent shall be made by the selected Contractor, and these costs shall be included in the budget proposal. Copies of all agreements and contracts must be provided to OFCHS to have on file.

g. The Contractor shall provide OFCHS with “ready-to-use” files in high-resolution format for online use, as well as all necessary design files, photos, and links.

h. The Contractor shall coordinate with the vendor(s) selected to place the ads by providing all necessary files and information to these vendors. The Contractor must confirm with all parties that they can accept the files and formats and make necessary changes (if any) to the files to complete ad placement. Files shall be delivered to vendors and OFCHS. OFCHS will provide the vendor names to the selected Contractor at the appropriate time.

Proposals are to be sent to: 

Maryland Department of Health

Prevention and Health Promotion Administration

All proposals must be submitted to the following email


Attention: Dana Wright

Subject Line: PHPA 1726/BPM027363

Procurement Officer:

Dana Wright

Prevention and Health Promotion Administration (PHPA)

201 W. Preston Street

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: 410-598-0371


Closing Date

January 25, 2022 at 3:00 PM Local Time

Hunter PR and Coyne PR are agencies worth considering for this assignment.

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