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Mesquite, Texas Issues Creative RFP


The City of Mesquite, Texas invites sealed proposals from all qualified vendors desiring to furnish the City with the Annual Contract for Graphic Design Service.

Scope of Work:

Intent The City of Mesquite, herein referred to as “the City,” is soliciting proposals from marketing agencies/graphic designers for graphic design services to redesign the monthly resident newsletter, known as Mainstream, to provide monthly graphic design services to produce the Mainstream publication, and to provide the rate for design of logos, flyers (8.5” x 11” flyers, rack cards of various sizes, etc.) , graphics sized for various uses in social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram), graphics for use on web (desktop and mobile friendly), static graphics to be used in video productions, and bilingual infographics for other communications.

The Mainstream is a 4-page color publication sent out monthly in both English and Spanish. The annual contract would include 24 issues total. All content, including language, Spanish language, photos, and logos are provided by the City. A minimum of 3 corrections (copy, imagery, etc.) to be included in each issue. Additional corrections to be billed using hourly rate. Contractor agrees to provide (3) new design concepts for the Mainstream based upon an initial creative meeting with staff and to work with the City representative to redesign the publication. Contractor agrees to provide design services for both the English and Spanish (translated copy provided by City through a 3rd party translator) versions monthly with City provided material for the publications. Example of current publication:

The intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to provide the City with the best solution given the requirements set forth by the City. This approach enables the City to take advantage of the most advantageous program available while allowing fair evaluation of all responses and to remain within standard purchasing procedures established by the City. b. Contract Period The contract shall be for a one (1) fiscal year period which is Oct. 1 – Sept. 30 when contract is executed. 

Due Date: December 5 


A sealed copy of the bid proposal may be submitted by courier or hand delivered to Ryan Williams, Manager of Purchasing, City of Mesquite, 1515 N. Galloway, Mesquite, Texas 75149. Proposals may also be mailed to Ryan Williams, Manager of Purchasing, City of Mesquite, P.O. Box 850137, Mesquite, Texas 75185-0137.

Relevant agencies to consider for this assignment include Ketchum PR and SS PR.

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