The New York State Association of County Health Officials (NYSACHO) is seeking proposals from qualified organizations to provide Legislative Lobbyist Services on behalf of the association. In accordance with this Request for Proposals (RFP) the services will include an understanding of and support for state aid for general public health work (article 6 funding). Under this contract, NYSACHO’s goal is to build an infrastructure for public health work, address and fund response to emerging public health crises, raise the visibility and profile of the organization, and mitigate any under or un-funded mandates which ultimately prevent our ability to effectively implement expanded or new regulations.
Organized in 1979, NYSACHO initially functioned as an affiliate of the New York State Association of Counties. NYSACHO supported local health officials through their transition from mangers of direct, clinical care public health related services to their role as chief health strategists. In this role, local health officials lead their departments and communities in addressing population health needs through upstream public health interventions that focus on prevention and the social determinants of health.
NYSACHO is the membership association of local health officials in New York State. We represent all 58 local health commissioners and public health directors, and the local health departments they lead. NYSACHO is incorporated as a not-for-profit, non-partisan charitable organization with 501(C) (3) tax exempt status.
NYSACHO’s current Executive Director, Sarah Ravenhall, leads a staff of four full-time and three part-time employees. The NYSACHO General Membership meets regularly, providing a unique opportunity for the exchange of ideas and experiences among local public health officials.
The NYSACHO Board is led by the President, President-Elect/Vice-President, and Immediate Past-President. NYSACHO Board members chair NYSACHO’s subject matter committees, leading members’ work on public health policy priorities. Current committees include:
- Disease Control
- Environmental Health
- Finance/Administrative
- Maternal Child Health
- Emerging Issues
NYSACHO Advocacy:
As the operational arm of the public health system, local health departments understand the unique needs of their communities. They are essential voices in developing policies that are realistic, effective, and appropriate in scale.
NYSACHO serves as the voice for New York’s local health departments. Advocacy efforts include legislative visits, media outreach, strategic partnerships, positon statements/policy papers, and tracking and analysis of legislative and regulatory proposals. NYSACHO works closely with the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC), and other public health stakeholders on a broad array of public health-related legislative issues.
NYSACHO also takes an active role at the national level through 100% membership for New York State counties in the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO). NYSACHO works with other SACCHOs (state county health officials associations) in advocating for local health departments needs with federal policymakers.
NYSACHO seeks to retain the services of a legislative consultant for matters in which it may need professional assistance before the New York State Governor’s Office and Executive Branch, New York State Legislature and Committee Chairs, New York State Agencies, various State boards and Commissions, et al. Such services shall include, but is not limited to, attending state legislative committee hearings and meetings, rulemaking proceedings and other administrative or legislative agency meetings.
A successful contractor shall agree to be available at all times upon reasonable request to meet with NYSACHO Board of Directors, NYSACHO staff, and others as specified in order to perform the responsibilities assigned; and to attend meetings, represent the interests of NYSACHO, and act as liaison between NYSACHO and all branches, departments, and agencies of State government, at any legislative committee meeting or meetings with the Governor, state agencies on matters under the scope of this RFP.
Scope of Work:
- Comprehensive knowledge of the basics of the legislative process and the key committee members or other legislators who have either jurisdiction or influence over your legislation and can affect its movement.
- Serve as a conduit for information-to and from the legislature and state agencies.
- Willing to work collaboratively and cooperatively with NYSACHO communications consultant on strategies to bring visibility to budget and legislative priorities.
- Establish relationships with key legislators and staff.
- Accurately and persuasively present the organization’s views.
- Keep the client informed in real time, of key developments and factors that could affect the legislation.
- Identify legislative issues that may affect NYSACHO membership and regularly inform NYSACHO as to these matters. Provide legislative expertise and consulting services.
- Provide strategic direction for grassroots activity.
- Review, analyze and report on a continuing basis all existing and proposed State policies and programs.
- Ability to see value in partnership building between like-minded organizations to bring visibility to legislative priorities.
- Motivate the board and membership to become enthusiastically engaged in the legislative process.
- Communicate effectively with people outside association with the ability to demystify the policymaking process.
- Understanding of how to use communication technology including audio, video and email to advance the organization’s messaging.
- Develop and present strategy for the support, opposition or amendment of pending legislation.
- Advise when concessions are necessary, or when you should stand your ground.
Professional Services Required:
In consultation with the Executive Director or Program Director:
- Lobbyist will provide monthly “Advocacy Update” emails which will be distributed by ED to NYSACHO Membership during the legislative session and post-election (at least 8).
- Lobbyist will schedule and coordinate at least two meetings with Executive Agencies during contract period (2).
- Lobbyist will schedule and coordinate meetings with legislators strategically and on an as needed basis.
- Governmental Affairs team will meet with NYSACHO’s Executive Committee virtually or in person once during contract period (1).
- Lobbyist will attend at least three BOD or general membership meetings to provide an advocacy update to County Health Officials (3).
- During final 4 weeks of session, lobbyist will send bi-weekly legislative tracking reports to ED and Legislative/Program Director at NYSACHO (8).
- Upon end of contract, lobbyist will develop an evaluation of the year (1).
Due Date:
April 29th, 2019