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Red Egg Marketing & Forward PR Studio on Great 2020 Marketing

Red Egg Marketing & Forward PR Studio on Great 2020 Marketing
Red Egg Marketing & Forward PR Studio on Great 2020 Marketing

What do marketing and PR leaders think have been great 2020 marketing campaigns? Its been a tough year, but there has been great work which has been done.

We conducted a number of interviews and here is what some of our readers think:

“The best marketing and PR campaigns were done by fashion industry leaders who were able to quickly revisit their business models and reorient product lines to start making life-saving masks with style, often matching their other products. These include companies mentioned in Forbes and many others. They were able to face the crisis situation, make the difference given the current conditions of lockdown and mask wearing to meet the consumer needs,” said Katia Shabanova of Forward PR Studio.

Ryan Ellis, Red Egg Marketing said, “Gotta love Ben and Jerry’s. This brand has always been politically active and generally unafraid of divisiveness. What’s more, the owners have stated that they care less about market research and more about the authenticity of their brand and beliefs. This made their 2020 statement on dismantling white supremacy understandable, but also incredibly powerful. It garnered national attention, and reestablished the brand as an advocate for justice. Sure, this polarizing stance could be somewhat damaging for sales among particular demographics. But more importantly, it solidified relationships with like-minded consumers and was a positive use of influence and brand voice to make a meaningful social statement.”

Bruce Harpham said that “Due to the COVID-19 crisis, grocery stores suddenly became one of the few places that people could shop. In Canada, Loblaws CEO Galen Weston quickly established himself as one of the most engaged leaders. He sent personal style emails explaining the increased cleaning procedures, protective measures, and special compensation offered for employees. At a time when many companies were unsure how to respond, the Loblaws story demonstrated how a company’s leaders succeed in PR through proactive communication.”

Grocery, fashion and ice cream – all great campaigns in different arenas.

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