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San Bernardino County Transportation Seeking Event Management Agency


San Bernardino County Transportation Seeking Event Management Agency

SBCTA seeks to identify and select a Consultant(s) team that demonstrates the experience, knowledge, and capacity to provide agency-wide Public Outreach and Event Management Services in the transportation industry. The desired firm will develop a public outreach and messaging work plan for each project, and coordinate with SBCTA Media Services and Graphic Design Consultants to provide consistent thematic messaging for all projects. The firm will be responsible for developing a marketing and advertising strategy leading up to and including the service launch of express lane projects.


In 2016, the agency sponsored Senate Bill 1305 (Morrell), consolidating the agency into as two entities, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) and the San Bernardino Associated Governments (to be known as the San Bernardino Council of Governments (SBCOG))  The bill passed through both houses and was signed by the Governor in August 2016.  As of January 1, 2017, the San Bernardino Associated Governments, serving in each capacity as noted above, is primarily known as SBCTA. Serving more than 2.1 million residents of San Bernardino County, the SBCTA is responsible for cooperative regional planning and furthering an efficient multi-modal transportation system countywide.  The SBCTA administers Measure I, the half-cent transportation sales tax approved by county voters in 1989, and supports freeway construction projects, regional and local road improvements, train and bus transportation, railroad crossings, call boxes, ridesharing, congestion management efforts, and long-term planning studies.

Scope of Work:

The desired firm will develop a public outreach and messaging work plan for each project, and coordinate with SBCTA Media Services and Graphic Design Consultants to provide consistent thematic messaging for all projects. The firm will be responsible for developing a marketing and advertising strategy leading up to and including the service launch of express lane projects.

The successful Consultant(s) will demonstrate experience in the following areas:

Due Date:

October 11th


Alicia Johnson

Procurement Analyst


1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor

San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715


Shift Communications is based in California.

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