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Social Media and Charities: Adding Dynamics to an Online Presence


Charitable organizations are able to thrive with the presence of social media and social networking websites. An important resource in this age of powerful websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, it is important to realize how and why social media is crucial for the growth of these organizations.

One the main benefits social networking websites provide is improved awareness for causes that these organizations champion.

As we recognize the importance of these social media outlets, the pure scope of these resources should be taken into consideration. There are 500 million active users on Facebook, and 190 million users on Twitter. Plus, the average user has over 120 contacts for these sites. What time means is that organizations, with an online presence, can promote their causes and publicize their services to worldwide audience—and do so rather quickly.

Spreading the Message

Imagine how a post, for instance, on the Kars4Kids organization that supports Joy of Our Youth (J.O.Y.), could spread virtually from a source. Similar to this, there is plenty of local, community, and national/worldwide charitable organizations that could benefit from the possibilities that exposure on social media sites provides.

But it doesn’t stop there. Social media resources most definitely bring new sources for exposure, but they alternatively and perhaps most importantly add a dynamic relationship. A dynamic relationship, that, when properly nurtured from the aspect of a charitable organization, brings life to the organization and the cause.

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter allow for real-time and real life conversations and connections to be made- as opposed to a business website for an organization, for instance, a social media presence allows organizations to talk to supporters who are sharing their thoughts and beliefs.

Charitable organizations that are most effective on the front of social media are interactive. After all, with social media there is the ability to ask questions and listen to what supporters have to say. Of course, there are plenty of opportunities to answer quick questions from users who are looking for more information.

Elie Hirschfeld On Encouraging Others

As Elie Hirschfeld, a prominent philanthropist notes, “These sites allow the personality of the organization to be seen. As these conversations and even simple links to stories appear on profiles and “walls,” the organization is able to interact on these fronts. They can post their thanks for all of the support for their latest event, or describe why they should care about a certain cause that is described in a link. Social media certainly adds a number of dynamics that are expressed in this type of setting. This makes it important for an organization to be aware of these increased responsibilities, as social media sites are not to be just another way to obtain business/traffic. Social media adds the opportunities to connect with supporters, and to gain awareness and different kinds of support for the causes that improve society.”

We think Elie Hirschfeld is right – social media helps charitable organizations in their work. Support for these causes is able to thrive, connections are able to be nurtured, and the organization is given a dynamic tool and voice for the betterment of their cause with social media.

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