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Purpose / Background:

TED has an immediate need for marketing and advertising services for all Talent Retention, Talent Attraction and Going PRO programs. Marketing and public relations efforts are a core function of communicating Michigan’s talent message. The core mission of TED is to retain, grow and attract talent for Michigan and improve Michigan’s image as a global leader in Talent Generation retention, growth, attraction and opportunity.

Crucial to this mission is developing and implementing an integrated marketing, advertising, public relations and social media campaign and plan to do the following:

Scope of work:

1. Communications/Marketing:

1) The Contractor must develop communication plans for projects/issues for appropriate target audiences, messages, message strategies, and communication vehicles that help meet stated objectives of each marketing and communications project initiated by TED.

2) The Contractor must identify new and emerging cost-effective ways to reach target audiences.

3) The Contractor must provide full spectrum marketing and advertising services for TED programs and priorities as directed by the Program Manager. In addition, there may be instances where TED needs additional writing, coordination or media services on an a la carte basis. This may or may not be part of a campaign and may or may not be forecasted. The Contractor must provide a quote for these services if requested by the Program Manager.

2. Market Research:

1) The Contractor must conduct market/audience research, as appropriate, to better assess and understand the target populations that the State is trying to reach with its communication efforts. This research may include the use of databases such as Nielsen, PRIZM, intercept surveys, focus groups, observational research, telephone surveys and other tools as approved to help determine/refine message and creative strategies.

3. Media:

1) The Contractor is responsible for developing an annual media plan which includes all individual media campaigns and their appropriate target audiences, messages, message strategies, and communication vehicles that help meet stated objectives. The Contractor must update this plan and provide to the Program Manager as they require it throughout the fiscal year.

2) Once this Media Plan is reviewed and approved by the Program Manager, the Contractor will proceed with developing individual Media Buys based on the Media Plans. The Contractor is required to submit these Media Buys to the Program Manager for review and approval. This must include:

  1. Paid media budget
  2. Target audience
  3. Flight dates
  4. Geography/media markets
  5. Advertising vehicles (TV, cable, radio, etc. and rationale)
  6. Media weight (gross rating point/GRP) levels and expenditures for each medium in each market
  7. Provide in-depth evaluation of all media vehicles (radio, television, print, outdoor, digital, etc.) available to the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development throughout the State as requested by the Program Manager.

3) The Contractor is also responsible for advertising placement and must:

  1. Buy and negotiate radio, television, and cable air time, cinema, internet, publication space, outdoor and transit space, direct mail services, and any other media used for advertising and promotions projects. Negotiate matching spots, value added, bonus, and other creative means to further advertising reach.
  2. The Contractor must negotiate and purchase all forms of digital media including desktop and mobile if needed and approved by the Program Manager. The Contractor will continually optimize throughout the campaign to make sure the best results are achieved.

4. Creative:

1) The Contractor must create high-impact, modest-budget creative strategies and tactics.

2) The Contractor must refresh existing ads as requested and develop new ad themes, campaigns, and campaign assets, including 15-second, 30-second TV ads, radio ads, pre-roll, billboards, etc., as necessary.

3) The Contractor must design collateral materials (such as banners, posters, radio liners, web banners, printed pieces, digital creative, social media creative, etc.)

4) The Contractor is responsible for developing or modifying advertising/marketing/creative concepts within established budgets, including but not limited to 30-second TV, 15-second internet pre-roll, OOH, digital creative, and 30- and 60-second radio spots.

5.  Additional Services: Earned Media and Public Relations:

Earned media statewide, regionally and nationwide is an important part of an ongoing campaign. The Contractor must assist in the planning and implementation of an earned media campaign.

1) Provide public relations services and counsel when required by the Program Manager.

  1. The Contractor must conduct public relations services and counsel as they arise. This is estimated to occur on an ongoing basis.

The Contractor’s work will include:

Due Date:

April 30th


525 W. Allegan

Lansing, MI 48909

Zeno Group and DKC PR could be good fits for this assignment.

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