The objective of the assignment is to correctly raise awareness towards Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Turkey to ensure their engagement in motor replacement programmes using one-stop-shop financial mechanisms to accelerate market transformation towards more efficient electric motors in SMEs. The assignment will cover improvement and management of the project website, producing written content, and developing and operation of the nation-wide awareness raising media campaign and visibility activities, all highlighting the overall objective and expected results of the Project and key messages to the target audience.
In Turkey, 47% of net electricity consumption is from the industrial sector , with an estimated 70% of this energy consumption from electric motor-driven systems (EMDS), 90% of which use 3-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motors as defined in the EU Eco-design Implementing Measure 640/2009 on electric motors as amended by Implementing Measure 4/2014 . Electric motors in Turkey, in general, are not energy efficient. The project “Project Promoting Energy Efficient Motors in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises” shortly known as TEVMOT aims to promote significant additional investment in industrial energy efficiency in Turkey by transforming the market for energy efficient motors used in small and medium sized enterprises.
This objective will be achieved by strengthening the legislative and regulatory framework related to both new and existing EE motors in Turkey, developing appropriate governance and information infrastructure, upgrading test laboratories at the Turkish Standards Institute (TSI), launching a “one-stop shop” sustainable financial support mechanism (FSM), and developing and implementing a comprehensive public awareness and training programme. The TEVMOT project is divided into five components focusing on: Component 1: Strengthened legislative and regulatory and policy framework for EE motors in Turkey. Component 2: Capacity building for relevant stakeholders to promote the benefits of EE motors. Component 3: Upgraded Turkish Standards Institute (TSI) test laboratory and strengthened monitoring, verification and enforcement. Component 4: One-stop-shop for financial support mechanisms. Component 5: Knowledge management and M&E The TEVMOT Project is being implemented by the Directorate General for Strategic Research and Productivity (DGSRP) under the Ministry of Industry and Technology (MoIT) with financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and in cooperation with the UNDP. The most critical success factor for the TEVMOT Project will be the successful implementation of the demo and scaled-up electric motor replacement programmes in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey to accelerate market transformation towards more efficient electric motors used in SMEs in Turkey. The motor replacement programme for the demo phase is being implemented by using a one-stop-shop financial mechanism developed under the Project. The pilot motor replacement programme and on-site project activities in the SMEs in the 7 pilot OIZs officially started through the finance support programme of KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization of Turkey) as of January 2020. The project covers seven (7) pilot Organized Industrial Zones (OIZ) in Ankara Sincan, Adana Hacı Ömer Sabancı, İzmir Kemalpaşa, Gebze Antalya, Uşak, and Bursa. The level of subscription by SMEs and motor change during the pilot finance support programme will be key to success of dissemination and scale-up phase. Past experience with implementing similar financial support mechanisms proved to be not successful because of – among others – lack of awareness of SMEs on benefits of energy efficient electric motors and their unwillingness to get engaged in financial mechanisms. Therefore, the key messages as well as design, concept and style of implementation of an effective media campaigns towards SMEs will be of utmost importance in shifting the level of engagement of SMEs in these motor replacement programmes using one-stop-shop financial mechanism(s). In line with the project activities, the subject consultant to perform the following duties is needed and hence this PN and TOR are announced:
• Design and implement a nationwide media campaign for attracting the SMEs to motor replacement programmes; and
• Operate effective methods to successfully deliver the key messages to SMEs and raise awareness.
Scope of Work:
UNDP will mobilize an Individual Consultant (IC) as Local Communication and Media Specialist (LCMS) on a framework contract basis. Within the scope of the assignment, IC shall perform the following generic functions (but not limited to):
• Participate in and contribute to the meetings, trainings, conferences with project partners and other stakeholders when needed in relation to the project core activities of the fifth component.
• Produce key and striking messages to highlight benefits of EE motors and attract SMEs and other target audiences (such as EMU’s, EVDs etc.) to motor replacement programme. For generating the key messages on a sound basis, the expert is also expected to benefit from the key findings of a nationwide awareness survey with industrial SMEs (to be conducted) as well as feedbacks of participating SMEs to the Questionnaire for pre-audit and after-audit in their establishments for the motor replacement. The expert should closely cooperate with the Field Coordinator, the Field Survey Expert, and the Local Finance Consultant in this context. When needed, the expert should be able to adaptively improve the Project communications strategy per the results of these studies.
• Collaborate with the pilot OIZs communication personnel on targeted and specific approach to improve the effectiveness of awareness raising on EE to SMEs;
• Support development and management of TEVMOT’s corporate identity;
• Support the project team in establishing contacts with local, national and international media channels and support the media coverage;
• Develop and organize PR campaigns for awareness raising in collaboration with the Communications Administrator of UNDP and Executing Agency under the coordination of PMU through TV and newspaper advertisements, billboards, social media articles, Media events etc. including production of communication tools and products (leaflets, brochures, posters, articles, photos, videos) and promotional materials for the core activities i.e. motor recycling programme, and motor replacement programme in line with awareness raising strategy and budget. The specific activities and roles of the expert are given in the Table under the Part 1 Objective and Scope. In this respect, the expert will be required to
o prepare tender technical specifications to procure services of media production company and/or media productions in relation to awareness raising and media activities; and take the lead in cooperation with the media service providers;
o Conceptualize videos or animated videos and/ or short movies, infographics and apps which performs well on various social media channels in line with MoIT, UNDP and GEF editorial and visual guidelines;
o Develop relevant messages and template structures for media initiatives (press releases, editorials, articles, success stories, etc.);
o Supervise PMU in graphic design and the printing of the project outputs in line with MoIT, GEF and UNDP visibility rules.
• Ensure the TEVMOT web-page is improved through meaningful content, structure and effective marketing.
• Design, write and/or produce and upload press releases, news, articles, stories, leaflets brochures, information for web site and promotional videos on Project beneficiaries and impact for the periodic newsletters of UNDP Turkey (New Horizons) and MoIT (Anahtar) and TEVMOT, UNDP and MoIT websites, social media accounts of TEVMOT (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin);Develop protocols to monitor the impact of the public awareness campaign;
• Support PMU in the organization of project events and presentation of project’s visibility materials (promotional material kits, posters, brochures, roll-ups, banners, press backs);
• Closely work with other project experts during the implementation of activities to identify in detail the scope of work, including issues to be covered in scripting, and review processes;
• Pursue and ensure timely incorporation of feedback received from internal and external reviewers into draft materials; then ensure delivery of final error-free agreed materials;
• Participate in communication data-collection and reporting as required;
• Properly archive all final design files, photos and materials and submit to PMU. Ensure use of gender responsive language in written and oral presentations, all written and visual contents produced such as videos, social media posts, posters, reports, handouts, etc. The above-mentioned duties and responsibilities of IC are indicative and subject to further detailing through specific service requests to be made by UNDP during the course of the contract duration.
Due Date:
11 September 2020, 23:59hrs (GMT +3)
Relevant agencies to consider for this assignment include Edelman PR and Ruder Finn.