The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Regional Bureau Bangkok, invites qualified service providers to make a firm offer for the establishment of a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for the provisions of Digital Media Communication Services. In order to progress in multi-channel integration, UNHCR is seeking firstly to contract with a communications agency to help manage integrated acquisition campaigns to better assimilate all media channels, including both supporter engagement and social media campaigns. Also to provide best of class digital and offline creative services, strategic support, creative content and communications focusing on supporter experience, performance and data, in order to:
• Promote online charity programmes and optimize the performance;
• Supporters acquisition, both one-off and regular;
• Improve supporter loyalty and long-time value;
• Generate leads via digital engagement such as gamification, mini-websites, Html5 or any other innovative tool;
The Long-Term Agreement(s) will be signed with an initial duration of twelve (12) months, potentially extendable for two further periods of twelve (12) months each, upon satisfactory performance, as per below schedule:
Phase 1: 1st June 2020 – 31st May 2021 (12-months)
Phase 2: 1st June 2021 – 31st May 2022 (12-months)
Phase 3: 1st June 2022 – 31st May 2023 (12-months)
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on 14 December 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It also has a mandate to help stateless people. In more than six decades, the agency has helped tens of millions of people restart their lives.
Today, a staff of some 16,000 people in 138 countries continues to help about 68.5 million persons. To help and protect some of the world’s most vulnerable people in so many places and types of environment, UNHCR must purchase goods and services worldwide. For further information on UNHCR, its mandate and operations, please see www.unhcr.org/ph.
Scope of Work:
Digital media service provision experience:
Relevant experience working with international companies, international nonprofit organizations, charity foundations or United Nations organizations. Please include event/clipping and celebrity/KOL partnering experience (previous and current in total) in the non-profit sector (i.e. charity).
A proven track record in delivering innovative and up to date, paid media campaign solutions with a predominant focus on digital channels b) Proposed Services As they related to the required services listed under the relevant sub-section (2.1, 2.2) of section 2 and the capacity to achieve the proposed targets and (2) any innovative idea, strategy to acquire supporters and to improve conversion rate:
• Your proposal is to be tailored as per requirements and information requested under different points of section 2, to ease the evaluation process. A general company profile will not be accepted.
• Describe your strategy to achieve the proposed targets.
• Please explain any innovative suggestion your company has, in terms of campaigns, paid media strategy, channels, leads generation, charity program operations, supporter journey approach or any other strategy aimed to acquire quality, long-term committed high life-time value supporters and reduce the attrition rate.
• Please provide the following samples:
ü Creative Digital campaigns design and development: one (1) sample of a digital campaign, three (3) successful creative pieces, and one (1) sample of campaign and analysis report.
ü Media amplification, implementation, management, and reporting: one (1) sample media plan, one (1) sample campaign management report and one (1) sample of an analysis report;
Due Date:
May 1
Goran Stojanovski (stojanov@unhcr.org) and Erzsebet Gal (galer@unhcr.org).
Relevant agencies worth considering include Edelman PR and Shift Communications.