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Tylenol Warnings PR Lesson: How to Title Your News to Avoid Negative PR

tylenol warning

Today, Tylenol was making headlines for an interesting new label text on its Extra Strength Tylenol caps: “Contains acetaminophen. Always read the label.”

The text has the purpose to reduce the number of accidental acetaminophen overdoses that occur every year, according to an official announcement, distributed via Twitter.

While the company didn’t issue a release with a controversial title, the media focused its approach on the text, describing it as a “warning,” and not on the “safe use” of Tylenol, therefore, the public is currently searching for “tylenol warnings” which implies a negative news bit.

The word “warning” is nowhere near the official Johnson & Johnson update on Twitter, nor on the new text visible on the new Extra Strength Tylenol caps. This means that the company was fully aware of the possible negative outcome of using negative-sentiment words in a public announcement. While the trend is not Johnson & Johnson’s making, being an issue caused by some popular media outlets covering the story, there are several good lessons to learn from this event:

For example, instead of using the word “warning” in a title when you issue something like Tylenol’s cap update, use a creative title, which implied positive change: “Tylenol Issues Extra Strength Tylenol Safe Use Update” or “How to Use Extra Strength Tylenol Safely.”

On Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels that are Google and search engine indexed, follow the Johnson & Johnson update model above.

For newsletters, the titling example for press releases works fine, except that you could be more creative. Something like: “Extra Strength Tylenol Just Got Safer.”

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