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Top Tips for Managing a Business Facebook Account

Facebook is changing the way it handles its friends lists

More and more businesses are using Facebook as a central pillar in their customer communications strategy. After all, it makes a lot of sense — as a free service, it can complement other services from your Internet marketing company, leaving you more money for SEO costs.

Facebook is a global phenomenon with seemingly everyone using their account to keep up with friends, family and business colleagues. A Facebook account is a great way for a business to appear approachable, friendly, and a part of those same social circles. Additionally, Facebook can be a great way to reach out to a wider audience, as when one person ‘likes’ your business’ status updates or becomes a fan of your page, this can be displayed to all of their friends, and then to their friends and so on, leading to exponential growth in exposure.

However, these very benefits can also be pitfalls, as negative publicity from a poorly managed Facebook account can spread just as quickly. Check out these tips for how to manage your business’ Facebook account.

A business Facebook account is certainly a valuable marketing and publicity tool. But if it’s managed badly it can backfire on you and end up harming your business’ image.

Among the PR firms who work with Facebook’s in-house PR team are Burson-Marsteller & MDC Partners’ owned Hunter PR.

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