A. The description of work includes creating a comprehensive 1-3 year economic development marketing plan, based upon mutually agreed upon terms and conditions.
B. The campaign must support the City’s Economic Development goals as outlined in the “Focus on Success Economic Development Action Plan”.
C. The campaign is defined as including supplemental research, plans, and material deliverables. The strategic targeted marketing campaign along with tactical implementation options and material deliverables should address the following:
1. Identify a “unique selling proposition” and messaging recommendations for Goodyear economic development.
a. Develop positioning and messaging in relation to each targeted sector (see target sectors in 2.0 above)
2. Identify advertising recommendations to reach target segments.
a. Develop mass media, digital communication and advertising strategies for each sector. b. Identify all costs and media buy plans associated with the recommended strategies and tactics.
3. Create, design and produce material deliverables for a marketing campaign as decided upon by the City’s economic development team based on the recommendations from the Consultant.
a. Deliverables may be re-evaluated and adjusted on an annual or bi-annual basis.
4. Website content updates
a. Landing/splash pages for specific industry targeted campaigns b. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for digital and print advertising campaigns
5. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) measurements to track and benchmark the progress and success of the plan. The benchmark measurements will include, but not limited to:
a. Website Page Views (driven by advertising as well as organic clicks) b. Website Impressions from Advertising c. Unique URL and/or hidden landing pages to track advertising success of individual campaigns with conversions to website page views d. Number of leads based upon tracking from advertising and organic visits to website (may need additional software for tracking purposes) e. Social Media Impressions to include follower gains/losses
6. Identify risks and assumptions inherent to the plan so as to provide a realistic view of the plan’s implementation.
D. The branding portion of the campaign may include, but is not limited to the following:
1. Creating a branding plan without any impact on the current City logo. The City logo is not to be changed or altered in any way. The current City logo will be used on all marketing materials.
2. Conduct the appropriate research such as utilizing surveys, interviews, and/or focus groups.
a. Identify what Goodyear’s businesses believe/perceive the “Goodyear business brand / brand identity” to be. b. Identify what Goodyear staff and management think the “Goodyear business brand / brand identity” should be. c. If there is a gap in the view of the “Goodyear business brand / brand identity / brand identity” between businesses and staff, determine how to bridge that perception gap. d. Identify what makes the Goodyear business brand / brand identity unique.
3. Determine what should be the large, all-encompassing, “Goodyear business brand / brand identity” in relation to the goals of the City.
a. The new business brand / brand identity must be recognizable, understandable, memorable and credible.
4. Determine the value of the new business brand / brand identity.
a. Identify how it will impact the City b. Identify how it will impact Economic Development c. Identify how it will impact Goodyear Ballpark
5. Determine the positioning of the new Goodyear business brand / brand identity.
6. Determine a slogan for the new Goodyear business brand / brand identity.
7. Determine communication strategies and tactics for rolling out the Goodyear business brand / brand identity. Determine how the success of a Goodyear business branding campaign will be measured.
E. Project Schedule:
Offeror work will commence immediately after contract is executed.
The City of Goodyear (“City”) requests proposals from qualified advertising agencies and design firms that are interested in contracting with the Goodyear Economic Development team to develop a creative and robust marketing campaign which will put Goodyear, Arizona on the map with a unique brand identity which differentiates the City from its competitors as well as capitalize on the regional strengths in the Greater Phoenix metro area.
Scope of Work:
A. The City is approximately 190 square miles, with a population of nearly 90,000, and only 11 percent built-out. There is approximately 4,000 acres (equivalent to 6.25 miles) currently available for development in the main business corridors within the City limits.
B. The City strives to leverage the educated and skilled workforce, business friendly environment, access to the I-10 and 303 freeway with shovel-ready infrastructure, abundant land, and a high-quality lifestyle to make Goodyear an attractive place to start or relocate a business.
C. The City seeks to support its goals of long-term economic vitality and quality of life through marketing campaigns that addresses the following:
1. Fostering job creation within the City 2. Promote our highly skilled workforce of 1.5 million within a 30 minute drive time 3. Promote growth and sustainable revenue generation within Goodyear 4. Promote the growth of industry clusters within Goodyear 5. Decrease the flow of educated/skilled workers leaving the City for work 6. Leverage the Phoenix-Goodyear Airport as an economic asset 7. Brand and promote a “technology corridor” to attract top Fortune 500 technology companies and other high-tech companies in key geographical areas. 8. Promote the new Class A Civic Square office complex (to be completed in 2022) to top Fortune 500 companies other advanced business service companies in key geographical areas. 9. Rebrand and promote the our 2,500-acre “Goodyear Medical Innovation Corridor” 10. Stimulate the City’s retail and entertainment base by building the daytime population within the City
D. The City will emphasize efforts on the five main corridors of development to be marketed:
1. an office and retail corridor, paralleling both sides of the I-10; 2. an industrial and office corridor along the 303; 3. an industrial and aviation corridor south of the I-10; 4. a medical innovation corridor south of McDowell; and 5. a new technology corridor at I-10 at Bullard Avenue
A. The City is seeking a firm or multiple firms to provide flexible support on an “as needed basis” to the Economic Development team and other City staff in developing a strategic targeted marketing campaigns along with tactical implementation options and deliverables in an ever-growing and changing business market.
B. The consultant should conduct strategic market research to provide and recommend creative marketing options with possible deliverables to include: digital and print advertising, website updates/SEO/landing pages, social media support, printed collateral, press releases and announcements, and all native digital artwork files.
C. The Goodyear economic development targeted industries currently include the following in order of priority, however may change over time:
1. Advanced Business Services/Office 2. Technology 3. Retail/Entertainment 4. Healthcare/Medical 5. Aerospace/Aviation 6. Advanced Manufacturing
Due Date:
January 21, 2020 3:00PM (Arizona Time)
City of Goodyear, City Hall Front Desk 190 North Litchfield Road P.O. Box 5100 Goodyear, AZ 8533
Agencies worth considering include Hunter PR and Alison Brod PR.