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Facebook Tops Record-low Score in Customer Satisfaction

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According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Facebook is the lowest-scoring e-business company, suffering the largest decline in customer satisfaction from all social media entities. ACSI released a study that shows that Facebook plunged 8% to 61 on a 100-point scale, setting a new record-low score for the Social Media category.

According to the report, Facebook is among the five lowest-scoring companies of more than 230 measured by the ACSI. Compared to Facebook, main rival Google+ scored an impressive 78%, mainly because of the absence of ads, and a better mobile product. In relation to Facebook, main users’ complaints revolve around ads and privacy concerns, as well as changes to the UI, most recently the Timeline feature.

As a category overall, Social Media is down 1.4% to 69. Here, three main social media companies aside Facebook are still disappointing, Pinterest (69%), professional networking site LinkedIn (63%), and (64%), while Wikipedia ties Google+ at 78%.

Other categories analysed include Portals and Search Engines {down 1.3%, but still on top of the e-business sector by a large margin at 79%, with Google (82%) hardly leading over Bing (81%)}; and News and Information, where climbed 2% to scoring the highest in the ACSI top of all e-business companies.

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