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Facebook Launched Shared Photo Albums

Shared photo albums – source facebook.com

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Social media giant Facebook rolled out a new and interesting option allowing its users to create shared albums. A person can create an album and, if he makes it a shareable one, then he can invite up to 50 other people to share photos in that album. Each member can post up to 200 photos in such a shared photo album, which would lead to a total of 10,000 photos that could be available in an album.

Each user can tag people so if, for instance, a person participated at an event, he can tag the people who were also there and invite them to share their pictures into an album dedicated to that event.

Keep in mind though that the creator of the album can delete at any time the content – so you should keep a backup of the photos you decide to include in Facebook albums created by other users. It is not a bad thing that the creator has this power, as some people might post inappropriate photos and it would be a shame if a complete album should be deleted due to a photo posted by someone. So the creator can decide on the visibility and privacy settings of the album.

The creator can choose to make an album visible only to contributors, or to contributors and their friends, or he can choose to set the visibility of the album to public thus allowing everyone to check the photos uploaded in that album.

In order to have such a shared album, you simply need to click on the album you already created and click Make Shared Album option in the top left corner, then set the visibility you want and invite the people you want to share your album with and then click save.

Contributors can leave an album at any time, and the creator can also remove one or more contributors at any time.

Some people already had such shares albums, using some apps of course like Flock, Albumatic, etc., so this new feature will be more then welcomed by many of Facebook’s users.

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