Whether you’re a well-established brand or just getting started, an Instagram contest is an increasingly popular social media strategy – and for good reason. Everyone loves freebies, and Instagram contests prove their mettle time and time again in being able to engage existing followers while drawing in new customers at the same time. When mapping out our Instagram contest, keep in mind the platform’s contest rules.
In summary, they assert:
● You cannot imply that Instagram is affiliated with the contest;
● You can’t ask users to tag themselves or others in pictures that don’t actually feature them;
● You must adhere to local laws and requirements, including restrictions on age, eligibility, or prize offerings;
● You must clearly articulate the rules for entering and participating in your contest.
With that out of the way, you will want to consider the range of contest types at your disposal. Each has its own unique benefits, and many firms on Instagram will be careful to overlap several contest concepts for maximized results and return on investment. The types of contests you might want to consider include:
● Photo Contests
These types of contests are possibly the most demanding of users’ time, but what they take up in the time they almost certainly return on the outcome. By requiring users to submit an original photo or video via either a contest hashtag or through contest software, photo contests typically yield the highest rewards in the form of user-generated content which you can use on your profile later. Keep in mind, however, that such a high-value return also means this type of contest often also necessitates a high-value prize.
● Leave a comment
These contests can take the form of a caption competition, or simply asking users to leave their opinion or share their experience with your business. These contests are typically very easy to track and, thanks to their low barrier to entry, you’re more likely to enjoy plenty of participation.
● Tag a friend in the comments
This type of competition is designed to encourage your followers to invite their friends who might also be interested in your business. This type of competition is not for every brand, but it also has a low barrier to entry and may lead to high participation. As such, this type of Instagram competition is a great way to give your engagement a boost.
● Follow us
While this last option is typically rolled into another type of contest participation, rather than it being the sole call to action for users, this is typically the real underlying goal of most firms that run an Instagram competition. After all, leaving a one-time comment isn’t a bad move, but engagement over the long-term is far, far better.
Instagram competitions are a fantastic way to boost engagement and increase your following base. Before you push the button on your own Instagram competition, research what your competitors are doing and how much success they look to be having. You surely won’t be disappointed.