LANE ELECTRIC is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to assist with conducting a Wildfire Public Education Campaign, assist with the facilitation of town hall meetings, and provide on-call communications and outreach services. The objective of the RFP is to secure the services of an experienced contractor who is capable of leading public outreach and education efforts around wildfire safety including the concept of Public Safety Power Shutoff events. The successful proposer must be capable of assembling, directing, and managing a workforce that can successfully execute a public outreach and education campaign according to all applicable rules and regulations.
Scope of Work:
Lane Electric Cooperative (LANE ELECTRIC) is a member-owned cooperative that provides electric
service to patrons in a portion of Lane County Oregon. LANE ELECTRIC has 13,000 account holders
including residential, commercial, and government members. A portion of LANE ELECTRIC’s service
territory was impacted by Wildfires (DR-4562-OR) beginning on September 7, 2020. The effect of the
wildfire was significant, causing widespread damage to homes, businesses, core infrastructure, and
other property. To educate members about wildfire safety, prevent and mitigate against future fire
events, and assist with response to future events, LANE ELECTRIC requires the work described in this
B. Work under this contract will include the following:
Public Education and Communications Plan
1. Develop and execute a comprehensive three-year public outreach and communication plan to
educate LANE ELECTRIC’s members about wildfire safety including prevention, mitigation,
and Public Safety Power Shutoffs. The plan will include, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Community messaging program including regularly scheduled activities and creative
ideas for ongoing communication
b. Digital and social media campaign and web-based communication
c. Traditional media campaign including print ads, radio, and direct mail
2. For each item in the public outreach and communication plan, the Consultant will develop a
detailed implementation strategy that will include:
a. Responsible parties
b. External stakeholders
c. Timelines
d. Communication techniques
e. Estimated budget
f. Funding source(s)
g. Measurable targets and goals
3. Create Marketing Materials and Graphics
a. Program messaging/talking points
b. Informational brochures
c. Infographics
d. Social media posts
e. Other materials as recommended (billboards, event materials, etc.)
Wildfire Mitigation Plan Outreach
1. Assist in the preparation for and facilitation of four (4) district Town Hall meetings with LANE
ELECTRIC members and stakeholders to discuss wildfire mitigation planning efforts.
2. Post draft wildfire mitigation plan to LANE ELECTRIC’S website and assist in the collection
of public comments on the plan. *Note: Respondent is not responsible for drafting wildfire
mitigation plan.
On-Call Communications and Public Relations
1. Develop public service announcements for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery for
future incidents and emergencies that impact LANE ELECTRIC’s service territory.
2. Serve as the Public Information Officer for future incidents and emergencies. Coordinate with
LANE ELECTRIC staff and external stakeholders.
Due Date: 5:00 p.m. on October 13, 2021
Proposals may be submitted in hardcopy or electronically. For hardcopy submission, two (2) copies
of the proposal may be delivered to LANE ELECTRIC in a sealed package, clearly marked on the
outside RFP COMMUNICATIONS AND OUTREACH and addressed to:
Lane Electric Cooperative
Attn: Debi Wilson
787 Bailey Hill Road
Eugene, OR 97402
Email submittals should be sent to debi.wilson@laneelectric.com
Relevant agencies include Hunter PR and Ketchum PR.