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Local Marketing through Local Blogging


The internet has been a goldmine for connecting with national and international affiliates, customers and resources. Businesses, especially small ones, have really benefited from this fact, and building quality links has never been easier thanks to social media. It is just a standard of marketing these days, and simple enough to accomplish.

But that doesn’t include local marketing for local-based blogs. This is a process that most find a bit more daunting, and certainly more difficult. However, it is really not much different than targeting a demographic based on other factors, like gender, age or socioeconomic status. You just need to know some of the ways a blog can properly outreach to those in their own area.

Don’t underestimate the power of local blogging though. According to Richard of VIP Realty Dallas, it’s been by far the most efficient way to get targeted locally-oriented traffic. This article is another proof of that. And this one outlines some problems while still claiming it’s HUGE!

Here are some ideas to get you started.

Social Media

Want a free way to connect more with the local scene? Then go with other bloggers in your area. Not only is this a great way to promote one another’s sites, but it offers guest blogging opportunities, collaborations and even meetups. One of my favorite tools for this is Placeblogger. But a Google search can help you find other locals as well

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