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Maldives Is Seeking Australian PR Agency

Maldives Is Seeking An Australian PR Agency

MMPRC, the national tourism office of Maldives is seeking a PR firm for the Australia region.  MMPRC is responsible for carrying out promotional activities to become the most preferred island destination of the world under the slogan of Maldives . . . the sunny side of life; whilst adhering to its mission to promote quality and sustainable growth in the local tourism industry to deliver long term economic, social and cultural benefits to the country.

Tourism has been described as the driving force of the Maldives economy. If both its direct and indirect impacts are combined, it is responsible for a high percentage of  the  country’s  GDP.  The  volume  of  international  visitor’s arrival has risen from 42,000 in 1980 to over 1.2 Million in 2015, which is a huge increase.

Goal & Objective

The services required  include  the  development  implementation  of  public  relations campaigns to position Maldives as preferred tourist destination; to monitor and report the developments to the outbound market from these destinations; to report the developments in the tourism related regulations and to update MMPRC on promotional campaigns and other activities of potential competitors.

Scope of Work

Monthly market report, Coordinate and execute 1-2 familiarisation trip(s) (media / bloggers / travel trade), Production & distribution of bi-monthly Newsletter distributed to media and tourism sector including major tour operators, media monitoring, Actively  seek  out  opportunities  in  the  market  for  promoting  Maldives, media relations, marketing campaigns, and an annual media event. The chosen firm will also be tasked with promoting the Maldives in all social media platforms.

General  crisis  management  should  ideally  be  within  the  current  scope  and  retainer. Nonetheless, the implementation of plan and extensive media monitoring work & reporting, communication with stakeholders, press formulation and distribution, etc can be invoiced separately with prior written approval from MMPRC.

Proposal due on June 29th, 2016 via email to:

Procurement Department
Maldives Marketing & PR Corporation
Velaanaage 4thFl, Ameer Ahmed Magu
Male’ 20096, Maldives

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