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PR Tips: Five Terms to Never Use to Market Technology

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As a developer or PR of a startup company, have you ever wondered why your press releases or company docs do not always get results? Well, from a long time tech blogger, blog editor, and consulting perspective, it may be because your terminology is just plain outdated. Lame, might be a better way to describe the trend for some “communicators” to overuse phrases or terms that pretty much “label” even great technology or innovation improperly. What we are talking about here is basically a failure to differentiate a service or product from hordes of others by using “cliché” or hyped terminology.

As a writer, I have been guilty to an extent of using commonly associated words to describe innovation or technically complicated subjects myself. Thousands of times, I might add. At the advent of what many termed Web 2.0, such subtle descriptive laziness became sort of matter-of-fact accepted method for quite some time. But now, years later, and after thousands upon thousands of Internet commodities have been “labeled” in such ways, the use of some of these terms fairly dooms some developments to hard times on some level. An example would be when a developer reaches out to a media source for visibility. Image your company dogma or press from the point of view of the writer or reporter alone. Does your “talk” differentiate your “walk” from anyone else? Now think about the consumers of your product or service!

Below are some terms which are, without a doubt, some of the most overused in the PR, marketing, and in the end development vocabulary. Beside them are some concrete reasons not to use them, followed by suggested alternatives. The bottom line here is; “If your service or product is that much better than the competition, there are certainly words available to better describe it.”

Describing the Indescribable

Face it, developments are in general programming, graphical, or business centric by nature. With that being said, sometimes development teams are forced to rely on outside expertise in homing their messages to meet the character of their innovation. The short of that is, they seldom have time to do much by way of being as good at “expression” as they are at “making things happen” with regard to ideas coming into reality. This is kind of a shame, as many developers could easily refine their skills at communicating, they just don’t have the time or inclination. I have worked with many of the most successful developments ever launched. This is not some advocacy for me personally, but important because just like watching a coding platform crash and burn. We see the results of improper strategies and ideas. So, from the “explaining” side of the equation, please understand these things matter a great deal. Maybe as much as the “rocket science” on the developer end.

Your innovation, your genius in hammering out new territory or refining old territory, is eventually (so often) extraordinarily difficult to explain to readers or to users. This will always be a problem as many of you already know. There are so many things that go into this mix of technology, business, PR, and progress. Some of you may not know this, but there is a reason so many articles and content contain some of these “cliché” terms. If your were at Mashable say, with the editor breathing down your neck to get an article out in 20 minutes, would you simply paraphrase the press release, or venture off and test the application and then create a perfect description? We know that answer. This is not a terrible thing, but in the end your hard work, your blood sweat, and even the people who might use your innovation, deserve better than a sound-bite.

Look at it this way, even if your service or product stinks up the developer’s space, painting it with “hard sell advertising lingo” is not going to work as well as creative and exacting writing. I hope this little primer helps, and that when you re-create the wheel someone does not label is as “a seamless integration of the ground with geometry.”

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