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Breaking PR News: PR Firm Sought By National Relief Charities

National Relief Charities (NRC) is seeking a full service PR Agencyto develop a comprehensive communications strategy and implementation plan for our nonprofit.

NRC is the largest Native American-serving nonprofit in the U.S., both in funds raised and scope of services provided. A 501(c) (3) nonprofit, NRC operates distribution centers and program offices to serve reservations in the Northern Plains and Southwest regions of the U.S. We address immediate, critical needs of tribal members on 65 reservations and support long-term projects that lead to sustainable solutions.

A distinguishing characteristic of NRC is our practice of forming ongoing partnerships with tribal community leaders to improve services in reservation communities. We believe Native American peoples have the power within themselves to build strong communities. The reservation partners we work with know the challenges that exist and are finding solutions to them. NRC is a consistent, reliable resource to lift up their efforts — to provide hope and support for their success today and tomorrow. According to self-reports, 89% of these partners are more effective with their program goals due to working with NRC. Together, we improve quality of life for 250,000 Native Americans each year. Each year, NRC raises $22 million through direct mail, e-marketing, telemarketing, planned giving, and mid-level and major donors, as well as $21 million in donated food and other critical products to meet immediate needs on the reservations, and we provide more than $30 million in aid to the reservations. In recent strategic planning, we adopted the following mission and vision:

Mission:  Serving immediate needs. Supporting long-term solutions.

Vision:     Strong, self-sufficient Native American communities.

More information is available by contacting Helen Oliff at


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