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Tout’d Gets $1.4 Mil to Show & Tell

Tout’d, or “Digital Word-of-Mouth” so to say, is a social media platform and referral engine for friends to experience and share their recommendations. The startup has now announced a $1.4 million seed funding round that will hopefully enable the platform to shift into high gear. The company’s stated dogma now seems more possible than ever to achieve.

“We believe that Tout’d is fulfilling a niche in the social media recommendation space that simply wasn’t available before”

Tout'd logo

If the 25 plus investors, including Tout’d founders, say anything, it is that collective engagement is alive and well even within the ranks of the startup’s faithful. This seed round, intended to accelerate growth and enhance user experience, was led by Venture investment firm Warner Hill Angels, according to their news.

For those unfamiliar, Tout’d lets users ask questions, which in turn spark interest and the creation of user generated content. Friends helping friends is no news concept, nor is the power of UGC, but in this use case instant notification is integrated with mobile and desktop integration, very nicely. Rob Morelli, co-founder of Tout’d, had this to say about the announcement:

“We believe that Tout’d is fulfilling a niche in the social media recommendation space that simply wasn’t available before. Now, instead of getting recommendations from strangers or paid reviewers, Tout’d enables individual users to leverage opinions from a network of trusted, personal friends.”

Founded by Wall Street veterans Rob Morelli, Saro Cutri, and Arron Kallenberg, Tout’d provides a unique forum for exchange, recommendation, and  interaction among friends. The intimate nature of close networks is applied to the value proposition of Tout’d, at least as far as this news reveals. We will be testing the platform later on to see more function and form, but in the mean time, please consult the company’s site for more.


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