The Town of Old Saybrook (the “Town”) is seeking to engage a marketing or PR firm. Like many communities in the Northeast, Old Saybrook was impacted by the loss of life, economic disruption and social strains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some businesses were forced to close, while others opened amidst uncertainty or pivoted their business models.
Old Saybrook is seeking to rebound from the pandemic and pursue a focused recovery of innovative revitalization programs. The Town will form an ARPA Advisory Committee and is seeking additional support from consultants, individuals, or firms in these three areas: 1) Planning and Economic Strategy, 2) Marketing and 3) Program Development. We are seeking distinct scopes of work in each of these areas. Respondents may submit qualifications for any or all three of the scope areas.
Old Saybrook’s population is 10,481 residents and has remained relatively unchanged since 2000 while our population has continued to age.
Key demographics: • Median age 51.8 years; • Median income $83,132; • Poverty Rate 3.9%; • Affordable Housing Stock 155 (2.77%).
Old Saybrook is centrally located between New York and Boston at the mouth of the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound which makes it a destination by boat, car and train. Old Saybrook is the commercial hub for the region on a year-round basis which flourishes in the summer months when visitors flock to the shoreline.
Retail, restaurants, recreation, services and attractions rely on summer tourism to off-set the population and workforce decline during the offseason. The Town is home to The Kate, 8 Marinas, Saybrook Point Resort & Marina, Tantor Media, From You Flowers, and Iterum Therapeutics as well as a variety of unique and distinct shops and dining options.
Old Saybrook has been proactive in trying to extend the tourist season, attract new businesses to diversify the economy and recruit business with employment opportunities to attract workers with a wide range of skills, ages and income needs. Prior to the pandemic, efforts were in place to create a sustainable, diverse and resilient economy. The challenges of the pandemic reinforced the Town’s need to continue these efforts to create a strong year-round economy.
Scope of Work:
We seek assistance with the technical development and implementation of programs to address the negative impacts of the pandemic on residents and businesses. This will include development, maintenance and assistance with program implementation including grant writing, and other support to facilitate these programs. The Town will establish an ARPA Advisory Committee to work with the consultant to develop programs and determine the level of investment for the town’s pandemic recovery priorities. Pandemic Recovery Priorities: • Develop strategies to improve housing choices and opportunities. • Support existing businesses. • Develop strategies to attract workers. • Attract businesses with long-term job opportunities at livable wages. • Promote year-round tourism. • Develop strategies to enhance marine related tourism including transient docks and coastal access.
Due Date: December 1, 2021 – Deadline for RFQ submittals
Every request for such an interpretation shall be made in writing via email to: carl.fortuna@oldsaybrookct.gov.
Edelman PR and MWWPR are relevant PR agencies.